El respeto, es un valor fundamental para la vida de cualquier individuo en todos los ámbitos, ya sea: en la familia, en la escuela, en el trabajo, EN EL GOBIERNO
Enviado por Karymegtz • 7 de Mayo de 2017 • Biografía • 6.685 Palabras (27 Páginas) • 391 Visitas
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Producto Integrador de Aprendizaje (PIA)
Materias y profesores
- Ciencias Sociales Lic. Cristina Flores Adame
- Filosofía Lic. Key Sue Osorio
- Ingles Lic. Reyna Tovar Vades
- Información Profesional y Laboral MPLO. Brenda E. Luna Villalobos
- Cultura física y salud Lic. Oscar Villarreal Garza
Cuarto semestre
Grupo: 416
- Garza Blanco Fátima 1797088
- Gonzales Gallardo Gerardo 1799056
- Granados Gutierrez Maria Elena 1794253
- Guerra Flores Martha Lucia 1796558
- Gutierrez Peña Karime 1796025
- Guzmán Cepeda Cuauhtémoc Arkad 1801126
- Herrera Villegas Myriam Elena 1825610
Monterrey, NL a 14 de abril del 2016
Todos hemos escuchado hablar acerca de los valores; sabemos que existen de todos los sabores y colores, como: la honestidad, el respeto, la solidaridad, el amor, la amistad, la equidad, la libertad, la soberanía, la igualdad, la responsabilidad, la puntualidad, entre muchos otros; mas, sin embargo, existe un valor que, desde cierto punto de vista, es fundamental para todos los demás valores, y este es el respeto.
El respeto, es un valor fundamental para la vida de cualquier individuo en todos los ámbitos, ya sea: en la familia, en la escuela, en el trabajo, EN EL GOBIERNO.[pic 3]
En el instante en que el respeto es ejercido en el gobierno entran los valores democráticos que la ciudadanía poseemos. Los valores democráticos son de suma importancia, esto es debido a muchas poderosas razonas, las cuales se explicaran en el siguiente contenido.[pic 4]
También reconocemos que la forma de pensar de cada individuo es influenciada de una u otra forma por diferentes situaciones, llámese familia, amigos, sociedad, etc. En el siguiente desarrollo veremos cómo influye el país de la frontera (Estados Unidos de America) para con nuestra comunidad (Monterrey, NL). Lo anterior lo estudiaremos detenidamente, debido a que es una gran influencia el que este ejerce, desde comidas típicas y costumbres, hasta la forma de pensar que cada individuo posee.
Todo lo anterior se desarrollara de una manera paulatina y extensa, dando pasa a que los temas anteriores se puedan relacionar de manera directa con determinadas materias. [pic 5]
In this paper, we will talk about how to strengthen democratic values in society. As we know, all values that we have formed since birth, such as being responsible, honest, careful, and others; are fundamental for our life and everyone life. For that reason values, are important and without them, we would have other style life and we wouldn’t be better. Also, we know that many people do not promote values with their children or people close to them, do the opposite way, and they do things that damage their reputation as honest people.
The methods that we will use are: research on various websites, in various books specialized in the subject, encyclopedias, as well as the argument of people who know about this fundamental topic.
Values are a set of qualities that rules the conduct of people so that there is a healthy coexistence between the people of society. Each value is extremely important because it determines the good way of thinking, as a good behavior.
Democratic values are characteristics and qualities that guide our society to ensure that the democratic process is carried out successfully.
In this work, there are several points that we manage with more caution and once from those are “Intercultural in our society”. We think that this is important because we can see it every day. [pic 6]
Another one of the points that we manage is the healthy coexistence. We know that this one is fundamental in all possible ways, because every day, we talk with other people and is really necessary to know good modals. The healthy coexistence can develop through respect, with democratic value in different ways:
- Organizations with civil society can be made to defend respect for the rights of citizenship by issuing the vote, verifying that this process is not corrupted, for any reason.
- It develops the argumentation and dialogue to defend the rights of all citizens when at any given time there is confrontation against them by a politician or government official.
- You can participate in collective interests for the construction of the common good in different areas. People must have informed arguments, articles and opinions on issues of interest.
Also, we know that every day, a lot people is coming from other countries, countries like USA; those people have other traditions and thinking manage; It is there when we practice our values, we have to respect those differences; so, in this case, we must to practice the respect value. Finally, we have come at one conclusion and that is that all values are very important for a healthy coexistence in today's society because without them our world can be a disaster.