La Vida Solas Es
Enviado por franco76 • 20 de Febrero de 2014 • 300 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 176 Visitas
February 19, 2014 Jairo Franco Lozano.
I started the class at 7: 20 greeting the students, and then I did a little introduction about myself, telling the students the class objectives.
Then I asked them for a little introduction, with their names, ages and grade for meet each other, when the last student finished the introduction, I asked them to write the most amounts of words known to I figure out the level of vocabulary of the students.
Later we did a round table and started to use the greeting good morning, how are you? And what is your name? trying to make the students speak, in which all students participated, next making use the vocabulary they wrote we played the hangman, I divided the students in two groups each one of this groups must to choose a word for the rival group.
Finally, I finished my class delivery some candies for the good participation in class and remember them, all we did, and saying good bye.
I think that the class was very interesting for them because they were paying attention all the time.
They did the activities where they had to write the vocabulary trying to watch the notebook because they did not remember a lot of words.
I could see that they understood the activities.
They pronounced with some timidity the words and sentences because they only practice writing.
In some moments a couple of students argued because they were trying to win the exercises.
With these students, I think there is the possibility to speak them more time in English.
Next time maybe would be better not make groups so large to make the activities, to avoid conflicts of leadership.
For the next classes I need to be harder with de discipline.
I must to push them to speak more clear and loud.