PRESENTACIÓN ingles-español Danna Puchero
Enviado por alejopuldd • 2 de Noviembre de 2019 • Apuntes • 1.027 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 240 Visitas
Ted. Talks.
Danna puchero is an imnotherapist specialized in trauma and chronic diseases, she analyzes everything in depth and that would save her life someday, her favorite subject is to talk about the mind, the subconscious and how it works, from the moment we are born we have a mind as a sponge, up to 6 years old, from 0 to 6 years old we capture everything around us and from 6 to puberty what we do is repeat and repeat what we learned, In the course of Danna's life she began to experience different traumas of intense pain which developed into fibromyalgia, a disease that attacks the nervous system and weakens it causing too much pain and consecutive tiredness, Dana began to improve a little with psychological therapies and medications.
Mind and body, disease and thought are totally connected.
How does trauma and disease relate?
when we register stress in our life, the subconscious is registered in the mind and with time it accumulates, causes and an overloaded nervous system, this generates an overproduction of stress hormones and a decrease in the body's defensive system . the question of the million....
How do we remove or return this caused damage?
there is a new therapy called psychoneuroimmunology studies the influence of emotional states and the activity of the nervous system on the immune function in relation to diseases, ie hypnotherapy, unfortunately the body work as a team and are able to heal themselves but sometimes need a little help, if we are able to heal minds we can repair our lives.
This concludes that the human mind is able to cure the same body of many diseases that the same body to degree, an example I am tired, I have not done any activity, but I program my mind to say that I am tired and my mind goes to the nervous system and produces double adrenaline, which raises the levels of inflammation throughout my body, if I program my mind, and say that I am not tired, it itself is in the ability to remove the tiredness that I cause myself.
Everything is in the Mind..
Our bodies and minds are intrinsically connected.
I have a testimony from a person who had lung cancer in stage 4 and the doctor said he would only have a few months to live. With nothing to lose at that time, they changed their lifestyle, changing our diet (basic diet of the whole food plan), meditating (attending 10 day Vipassana courses), exercising and being in the sun for about 1 hour/day. To our surprise, his brain tumor contracts and then disappears in just 2 short months. Her doctor had no words on how we could reverse the cancer naturally.
Other Testimony
She almost lost her life in a traffic accident, her head was suspended under the car, until the firemen removed her, not knowing if she was dead or paralyzed, from that time everything was going to start to change, She meant EVERYTHING IS IN THE MIND.
Danna puchero es una imnoterapeuta especializada en trauma y enfermedades crónicas, ella analiza todo en lo profundo y eso le salvaría algún día la vida, su tema preferido es hablar de la mente, el subconsciente y como trabaja , desde que nacemos tenemos una mente como esponja, hasta los 6 años, desde los 0 a los 6 años captamos todo lo que hay a nuestro al rededor y desde los 6 a la pubertad lo que hacemos es repetir y repetir lo que aprendimos, En el transcurrir de la vida de Danna empezó a experimentar diferentes traumas de dolor intenso lo que se desarrollo en fibromialgia, una enfermedad que ataca el sistema nervioso y lo debilita ocasionando demasiado dolor y cansancio consecutivo, Dana empezó a mejorar un poco con terapias sicológicas y medicamentos.