- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Moby Dick Español-Ingles.

Enviado por   •  5 de Octubre de 2016  •  Resumen  •  2.152 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  449 Visitas

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Chapter 1

A day Ismael decided to go to sea with the intention to hunt whales, as called him a lot of attention. Prepared your luggage and departed to New Bedford, Massachusetts. Arrived at night, it was cold and wind blew and found a tavern call Spouter of Peter Coffin. Was old, strange, dark and small. Had to share the bed with a harpooner called Queequeg, high, had tattoos and was bald with a tuft of hair.

Un día Ismael decidió ir al mar con la intención de cazar ballenas, ya que le llamaba mucho la atención. Preparó su equipaje y partió a New Bedford, Massachusetts. Llegó a la noche, hacía frío y soplaba viento y encontró una taberna llamada Spouter de Peter Coffin. Era vieja, extraña, oscura y pequeña. Tuve que compartir la cama con un arponero llamado Queequeg, alto, tenía tatuajes y era calvo con un mechón de cabello.

Chapter 2

The next morning they went to breakfast and Queequeg seemed kind and polite. Then Isamel went to the church of Whaleman's where found again to Queequeg. Both waited the priest called Mapple, which was previously harpooner. Then they returned to the tavern and Queequeg I talk to him about his life. Told him that he belonged to a royal family of the island Kokovoko, which had abandoned and will count you learned many things in the sea. The other day were to port of Nantucket to seek whalers, had three vessels and chose one called Pequod. Entered and they encountered a man named Starbuck, was the first official. He told them that the captain was called Ahab and that it was not a lot of talking. After a bit wary about them the contract. Suddenly appeared a man named Elijah screaming bodes ill on the journey.

A la mañana siguiente fueron a desayunar y Queequeg parecía gentil y educado. Luego Isamel se dirigió a la iglesia de Whaleman’s donde encontró nuevamente a Queequeg. Ambos esperaron al sacerdote llamado Mapple, el cual fue arponero anteriormente. Luego regresaron a la taberna y Queequeg le hablo sobre su vida. Le dijo que pertenecía a una familia real de la Isla Kokovoko, la cual había abandonado y le conto que aprendió muchas cosas en el mar. Al otro día fueron al puerto de Nantucket a buscar barcos balleneros, había tres barcos y eligieron uno llamado Pequod. Entraron y se toparon con un hombre llamado Starbuck, era el primer oficial. Les dijo que el capitán se llamaba Ahab y que no era de mucho hablar. Luego de desconfiar un poco sobre ellos los contrato. De repente apareció un hombre  llamado Elijah gritando malos augurios sobre el viaje.

Chapter 3

Would travel at Christmas and sail during 3 years, on the boat had priests, teachers, carpenters, among others. The ship departed a cold morning of Christmas and even Queequeg and Ishmael knew not the Captain Ahab. There were three officers, each elected their harpooners, Starbuck, an honest man, elected Quuequeg. Then Stubb which carried a pipe and shouting to all, elected Tashtego and Flask, young and robust, Daggoo. One morning in the cover saw the Captain Ahab, dressed in black, was high, strong, his face was wrinkled and had a long scar. The most notorious was that was missing a leg and instead of she wore a pegleg.

Viajarían en navidad y navegarían durante 3 años, en el barco había sacerdotes, maestros, carpinteros, entre otros. La nave partió una mañana fría de navidad y aun Queequeg & Ismael no conocían al capitán Ahab. Había tres oficiales, cada uno elegía sus harpooners, Starbuck, un hombre honesto, eligió a Quuequeg. Luego Stubb el cual llevaba una pipa y gritaba a todos eligió a Tashtego y Flask, joven y robusto a Daggoo. Una mañana en la cubierta vieron al capitán Ahab, vestido de negro, era alto, fuerte, su cara era arrugada y tenía una cicatriz larga. Lo más notorio era que le faltaba una pierna y en lugar de ella llevaba una pata de palo.

Chapter 4

All days monitored if they found whales. One morning Starbuck call upon all and the Captain Ahab came and said that it would a gold coin to anyone who saw a white whale, Moby Dick, since that was the one who tore the leg. The wonder if all accompany to find and kill the whale, to which they answered with a yes. Starbuck reproached the attitude of the Captain, saying that what the searches is revenge of a poor animal. The captain replied that this animal snatched the freedom, by what is now a prisoner.

Todos los días vigilaban si encontraban ballenas. Una mañana Starbuck llamo a todos y el capitán Ahab se acercó y dijo que daría una moneda de oro a quien viera una ballena blanca, Moby Dick, ya que esa fue quien le arrancó la pierna. El pregunto si todos lo acompañarían a buscar y matar a dicha ballena, a lo que contestaron con un sí. Starbuck reprochó la actitud del capitán diciendo que lo que el busca es venganza de un pobre animal. El capitán respondió que ese animal le quitó la libertad, por lo que ahora es un prisionero.

Chapter 5

The goal of the captain was hunting Moby Dick, but the real reason for the trip was to find whale oil. One day, heard that Tashtego was shouting that saw five whales. All of the crew took their positions and released the boats. The harpooners came out and attacked the whales, among them the harponer of Captain Fedallah. Had a lot of fog, wind and waves that beat strong boats, in addition to the incessant rain. But in spite of the great struggle whales escaped to the bottom of the sea.

La meta del capitán era cazar a Moby Dick, pero el verdadero motivo del viaje era buscar aceite de ballena. Un día, escucharon que Tashtego gritaba que veía cinco ballenas. Toda la tripulación ocupó sus puestos y soltaron los botes. Salieron los arponeros y atacaron a las ballenas, entre ellos el arponero del capitán Fedallah. Había mucha neblina, viento y olas que golpeaban fuerte los botes, además de la incesante lluvia. Pero a pesar de la gran lucha las ballenas se escaparon al fondo del mar.

Chapter 6

One day they had the luck to find another boat that was returning from four years to navigate and thought they could talk with other people, but Ahab did not want to stop because it said it was a waste of time. All are obsessed with the white whale and believed view on all sides. One day it was very hot, Ismael saw whales and began to shout. They lowered the boats and the beginning of the great hunting. The whale was submerged under the pot and when you get up began to attack until he died.


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