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Reasons Why Larry Is Real

Enviado por   •  25 de Mayo de 2014  •  1.324 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  355 Visitas

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Denials and management

OR: how to convince everyone you definitely, certainly, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES have something to hide

So first, let’s deal with the Twitter/print denials. The short story is that I no longer trust anything I read about these boys because everything surrounding them is so shady.

It all kicked off in Sept. 2012 when @Louis_Tomlinson (we know that we can’t trust Louis’s Twitter account — we’ll get there in a sec — so I’ll refer to his Twitter self this way) had the following exchange with a fan (who didn’t even include a mention to Louis’s Twitter handle in her tweet??? weird???):

Fan: funny that no matter what happens they will never deny larry

@Louis_Tomlinson: Hows this , Larry is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. I’m happy why can’t you accept that.

We know this as the bullshit tweet. You can read a good summary of the whole thing here (here's a better gifset of the first post-bullshit concert, though).

So first, we have plenty of evidence that the boys are not the only ones with access to their Twitter accounts (and other social media). Which obviously makes their accounts less than credible. Second, some of the stuff @Louis_Tomlinson tweets runs so counter to who he actually is in person and on video — it’s just very questionable. @Louis_Tomlinson doesn’t hesitate to insult entire groups of fans, but real-life Louis is so respectful and kind to his fans though??? So not a homophobe? So aware of gender-related things that no one else notices?

There have also been a number of print denials. Like @Louis_Tomlinson, print!Louis is pretty forceful. Here is a good example. Now, if Louis ever said anything like this on video, where we could analyze his body language and tone and everything else, maybe I would finally believe it. But he hasn’t. So I think a couple of things could be going on here. First, quotes like this could be totally made up (by management, I would say). I don’t know how common this is in the entertainment industry, but I assume it happens. Second, Louis could actually have said those things. I don’t like that idea very much, but it’s obviously 1000% easier to lie believably in print than on video. So it’s possible that they save all the actual denials for print!Louis, and actual Louis just sucks it up and lies.

If nothing else, I find it suspicious as anything that the only flat-out denials we’ve gotten (besides a couple half-assed “no”s you’ll see in the links in the paragraph below) are in print or on Twitter. Louis has specifically said on video that he and Zayn are not together. Would it be so hard to say the same about him and Harry on video as well? It makes me suspect that either the boys refuse to straight-up deny their relationship, or management knows it would be even less believable than the video denials they’ve done so far.

That brings us to the video denials. I’ll let these people do most of the talking (also let us note that one of the “denials” happened on this day, so hahahahaha). To my knowledge, there has been only one on-video “denial” since those posts were written (there are plenty of print denials I’m omitting, but as I said, I no longer believe anything that is written about these boys — believe none of what you read and half of what you see, and all that). Here it is (2:12) — you will notice that once again, they deal with it by deflecting, except where they’re actually asked a direct question (and give a totally unconvincing response) and Liam says a hell of a lot more than Harry. (And they all react so weirdly???) Harry can’t lie for shit (there’s a reason Louis did all the others, even though he’s honestly terrible at it too), and he’s so flustered that he can’t even laugh when Liam makes a joke. Also, this. Seriously, the denials only make me MORE certain that this thing is for real.

As for


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