Actividad Integradora Chemistry 4
Enviado por • 19 de Noviembre de 2014 • 225 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 226 Visitas
||. Answer the following questions:
the acetic acid showed low electrical conductivity, if the majority of its atoms are covalent bonds, why does it show electrical conductivity?
Because of the ions that are produced when salt interacts with water conducting electricity but whit a low density
2. Drinking water show electrical conductivity and distilled not, which is the type of bond both substances? which is the explanation of electrical conductivity of drinking water?
Because the water contains minerals and salts that conduce electricity, this present ionic bond, and the one that is distilled has been treated to remove those salts and minerals, this present polar covalent bond
|||. Write a final conclusion where you put your learning about the different ways to predict the type of bond of any substance of daily life In conclusion, I understood how to predict the type of bond by the kind of atoms that form it and also I understood that they are very important in our daily life because they form the oxygen we breathe and help make up our living cells.
Ionic bones are formed by one metal and one non metal atom and when they interact with polar solvent as water they produce electricity. Polar covalent are formed by two different nonmetals and they share electrons but they cannot conduce electricity in a high way.