Actividad de Metacognición dialogo escrito
Enviado por accs99 • 12 de Noviembre de 2016 • Informe • 769 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 273 Visitas
ETAPA: ____1___ | TIPO DE ACTIVIDAD: Actividad de Metacognición _ |
NOMBRE DE ACTIVIDAD: _____dialogo escrito_ | VALOR: __12%___ |
NOMBRE: Felipe Cantú Salazar 1797539, Ana Cristina Cantú Salinas 1809853, Omar Cantú Sánchez 1809205, Johanna Denisse Cardénas Rojas 1795174, Tiffany Estefania Cardiel López 1796362, Raúl Cervantes Velázquez 1795698. | GRUPO: 304 |
4:Escucha interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados. | Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 8.participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. | Video y dialogo escrito. |
- Characters:
Mom – Ana, Dad – Raúl, Chloe – Denisse, Natalie – Tiffany, Doctor – Omar ,Nurse – Felipe
- Sketch:
This story begins with a normal family, with normal problems.
Mom- Girls, you two need to clean your room right now if you want to go dinner, I do everything in this house and nobody helps me, specially you Chloe.
Natalie- Okay mom, I am going to do it now, and I can help you to make the dinner.
Chloe- You always are so boring and that is why nobody wants to be with you.
Natalie- I really don't care what you say about me
(The two girls go to their room, Natalie stars to clean, and Chloe goes to her bed)
Natalie- I know that you hates me, but you should help me, it is your room too, and you never want to do anything.
Chloe- I might help you, but I really don’t want to do it, I am really tired, and I want listen music, I don’t have time for those boring things.
Mom- Girls, come on, the dinner is ready!
(All the family in the table)
Dad- How was your day girls?
Chloe- It would be better, but mom obligates me to clean my room.
Dad- Chloe , you need to clean your room, you need to be responsable of your things, and that is something that you need to do always. If you don´t clean the house it will be dirty.
Natalie- Anyway, she didn’t do anything, she starts to feel bad, like always.
Dad- Is that for real?, You didn’t help your sister clean your room?
Chloe- Dad I really feel bad
Dad- Chloe, you´re punnished, I can’t believe that you let your sister alone you aren’t going to have dinner, please go to your room