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Caracterización de los animales en el zoológico

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The elephants

In the Animal Kingdom elephant reserve a big , good, very own place. Perhaps its trunk or its huge fangs what attracts us , or maybe it's their fans ears or monstrous size . Actually you just have to watch the kids admire these magnificent creations of nature and found that the elephant , everything is fascinating. Nothing more exciting than seeing one of these giants take a peanut with his trunk of the palm of an amazed little girl.

There are two different species of elephants. The Asian who usually see in circuses and zoos, and African larger and much more violent temperament . African elephants are the ones with the huge fangs , like ears. A large male of this species can weigh up to 7500 kg

The tube is an adaptation of the nose. At the top are the nostrils. Also at the end there is one or two muscle elephants extensions which use the same handedness we use our fingers . The Asian Elephant is one extension on top of the tip of the tube. In the African Elephant are two extensions , one on top and one on the bottom.

Really elephant tusks are incisors of the upper jaw . Do not worry about the accuracy of the language or dentists , in the case of elephants Dictionary of the Spanish Language published by the Royal Spanish Academy allows canines to call these teeth. They are the only teeth that have elephants have tusks equivalent to our room , but have 12 molars and 12 premolars , 3 of each in each quadrant of the mouth. Tusks grow throughout life and in the case of the African elephant tusk can achieve each 3.3 meters long with a weight exceeding 100 kg , of course , these measures are not common.

The lions

It is said that the lion is the king of the jungle , but the tiger is the largest cat wearing lion is second place as far as size is concerned. With its large wild mane that grows as the animal ages , are easily identifiable , are realizing their appearance, why are the kings of the jungle. Of course, the hair is only for males and females often mistaken for cougars in some areas.

the lion is a social animal , a unique feature that distinguishes it

from other felines. The lions live and hunt together. An adult male is the leader and the rest of the pack will consist of females and young pups male descendants of the leader . When young males are old enough to mate will be forced to leave the group.

Then they form their own pack in its own territory . Some of them will stay , but only if they succumb to a secondary role within the pack , which will not be able to reproduce. The desire to do so often leads away from the pack .

Lionesses take over almost the entire game. This is why it can be very difficult for a male out on your own . This might have to challenge another male in order to take over an existing group and thus do much more than take a leadership role , will also be ensuring their own survival, as it can be very difficult for a lion lone male do all game .

There are several different types of food you consume the lion are skilled hunters and good strategy. Lions surround their prey from all directions and then close the circle to go for the kill . They also eat leftovers hunting of various animals.

The lion cub have been cases of lions attacks humans with whom they come in contact. Some experts believe it is possible that a lion for a desire for human flesh after doing it the first time , what do these dangerous cats when there are people around their habitat.

The lion is not an active animal, resting until they spend 20 hours a day.

The giraffes

Giraffes have as main feature are the tallest mammals in the world , thanks to its giant neck and his long knees. Unarodilla only is much longer than most humans ( paw measured approximately 1.8 m ) . These long legs that also makes it easy to run short at a speed of 56 Km / h distances. , And over long distances, can comfortably go about 16 km / h .

Giraffes use their height to reach the highest trees and leaves, a privilege that very few animals can get. The acacias are some of your favorite leaves. But not only the legs and neck are long in the giraffes. His tongue is not far behind . It measures about 50-55 inches , and helps them start the best snacks . The main activity of the giraffe is eating , and like cows , regurgitate food also . They have to eat many kilos of food a week , so that should make great migrations to find the food they need.

But not everything would be advantages. The height can also be a disadvantage . When


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