- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Carl Sagan

Enviado por   •  14 de Octubre de 2013  •  528 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  385 Visitas

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The Demon-Haunted World Outline

I. Segan is trying to make people to stop believing in everything that is being told

by society, to question what our authorities tell us everyday and try to fond a

thought with scientific answers, something that could have a back up and can be


a. one theme of the book is “one of the great commandments of science is

mistrust arguments from the authority” (p. 28). Segan is trying to make

people realize that science can always be questioned and that this is why it

can be trusted because its always proven, and has a explanation that can be

proven as well.

b. Another theme comes right with the title, The demon-haunted world,

the simple thought that people believing on demons, without any reason

or asking hard questions. There are also demons that are trying to make

us accept everything that we have been told in political and religious

authorities, and how this ideas are for our comfort and that’s why people

don’t question them which is wrong.

II Throughout the book Segan is explaining his position on how science can be

proven to be truth or not with facts.

a. Segan does not believe in anything that can not be proven by Science. He

argues that demons could just be made up by people that just consider that

to be the truth because is the easiest way to describe what happened.

b. Segan considers other peoples fears, anxieties and obsessions and he

realized the easy explanations that have been given to him and try to

explain how science can not prove that so that means is not real.

III. The Demon-Haunted world

a. strength. Segan has a great and conventional way to describe how

everything has to be skeptically thought before we believe it. He does a

great job trying to make us realize that all the technology is good right

now but we are being to dependent to it , and can get to a point where it

will start making people have negative impact on it on the near future.

c. Weakness, Segan is really straight to what he writes everything, I know

that he does not believe in stuff that can not be proven, but he also forgets

that people have faith in stuff and that’s what makes them believe in that.

IV. The book has a lot of similar thinking that what we are studying in human

communication theory.

a. The video we watched in class showed us how skeptics are constantly


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