Enviado por 052394 • 8 de Mayo de 2014 • Trabajo • 1.393 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 236 Visitas
How far can scientist go in the life’s secrets? Who has to decide between ethics and safe? How is this going to affect the divine power? The myth of an immortal human and perfect is associated with practicing the knowledge of the genetic code. As we have learned before the searching for the perfect race long time ago by Hitler. This brought an ambitious project for scientist: Cloning.
Tons of scientific advances in the area of cloning has impressed people and it will continuing but should we be scared of cloning? I think that Human cloning is a benefit as we could use when we need an organ transplant and illness. Basically it could improve the human species a lot in healthiness.
1. Cloning
What is cloning?
The procedure of cloning is to put a previously enucleated egg, in the nucleus of another adult somatic cell. When it´s done, an embryo who contains the same genetic as the adult somatic cell.
Some of the human beings do a spontaneous and natural cloning as reproduction for example; one of a variety of bacterial replication is the bipartition, where the daughter’s bacteria are exactly the same to the mother’s bacteria. We can say they are "clones" of the parent bacteria.
Artificial cloning can be in 3 different ways:
Embryo: In the laboratory what they do is repeat the same process of what they did before that occurs naturally in twin pregnancies which is to
DNA cloning: this technique looks for the duplication of an existing individual where the egg’s DNA is removed and inserted into an adult cloned cell
Therapeutic cloning: The process is similar as the adult cloning differing in multipotent cells are removed from the pre- embryo producing tissues or organs for transplantation
2. Human cloning
2.1 what is human cloning?
Generically speaking cloning is copying a human being… this is the way to be cloned. Scientist will get your DNA from a skin cell and would place it in the ovum of a woman whose DNA was extracted… an electric spark will split the ovum up and days later they will the same embryo as the other.
My last comment, a cloned embryo is a genetic copy of somebody who is already alive. It is obvious that everyone has their rights to decide what to do with their DNA.
2.2 The risks of cloning
In 1996, a sheep was cloned Dolly. She was the first cloned animal. The scientist took the DNA from an adult sheep instead of using the DNA of an embryo. Even though Dolly seems to be alright there were some wonders about the possibility of dolly getting old faster than the normal sheep. Also they tried 277 times to get Dolly. Who would accept these results in experimenting on babies? There are some people who agree on cloning babies some of them are parents and they had lost their child and they wanted to get the same exactly baby again. For example in case that a man cannot produce sperms he could still put his DNA on his wife’s ovum, creating a cloned of him. This could be a good reason to agree with cloning but it also has its risks.
Reproductive purposes
The results obtained so far in animal indicate a high rate of fetal mortality and abnormalities. So the approval of cloning is unacceptable until scientist find a safe way.
For me the ethical problema in therapeutic cloning it has to do with the “sacrifice” of a human embryo in order to relieve the suffering of another and for those who believe that blastocyst human generated by nuclear transplantation is a human being with the same rights and dignity to all citizens.
However, I think it should be remembered that the blastocyst developed from natural fertilization the cloned blastocyst is a result of experimental manipulation non-existent in nature.
The possibility that the reconstructed blastocyst by nuclear transplantation could develop a normal person is low. However, its potential to generate embryonic stem cells is very large. So the ethical problem