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Communicative vocabulary pendemia

Enviado por   •  4 de Mayo de 2020  •  Tarea  •  382 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  59 Visitas

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  1. Pandemia – Pandemic
    Epidemic disease that spreads to many countries or that attacks almost all the individuals of a locality or region.
  2. Decesos- Deceased

Deaths of a persons

  1. Conferencia - Conference
    Meeting of representatives of a certain group, to discuss important matters within its competence.
  2. Alcance – Scope
    Distance reached by the action or influence of a thing.
  3. Efecto- Effect
    Thing produced by a cause
  4. Modelo indagatorio- Model inquiry
    As its name implies, it is based on the posing of a series of questions around the previously selected topic.
  5. Proceso  de comunicación –  Communication process
    The basic communication process is when a person "sender" contacts another "receiver" through a message (which is sent through a channel) and expects the latter to give a response to the that has been transmitted to you.
  6. Jerarquización- Hierarchy
    The hierarchy is a common action or practice that is carried out in various fields, areas, subjects, among others, and which consists of organizing or classifying them at different levels.
  7. Redacción- Drafting
    As writing is called the action and effect of writing. As such, it is the act in which a set of logically and coherently ordered ideas is put into writing within a text.
  8. Coherencia-  Coherence
    Logical relationship between two things or between the parts or elements of something so that there is no contradiction or opposition between them.
  9. Simetría- Symmetry
    Correspondence of position, shape and size, with respect to a point, a line or a plane, of the elements of a set or of two or more sets of elements to each other.
  10. Cubismo – Cubism
    It is characterized by the use of geometric shapes, such as cubes, triangles, and rectangles. The movement was born in France and had its apogee between 1907 and 1914
  11. Autorretrato- Self-portrait
    Self-portrait is defined as a portrait made of the same person who paints it
  12. Temática- Thematic
    General theme or set of themes of a work, an author, a subject, etc.
  13. Técnica- Technique

Set of procedures or resources that are used in an art, in a science or in a certain activity, especially when acquired through practice and require skill.


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