- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejemplo De Producción Ajustada

Enviado por   •  17 de Agosto de 2014  •  2.109 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  274 Visitas

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Recovery Plan Action

The first activity we must do is staff training, this activity will consist in explaining what are the objectives and the actual situation of the enterprise, the role of each employee in the factory, the ERP necessary for the running of the company and the importance of lean management to change the actual mistakes.

This staff training will help us to reduce the percent of scraps and reworking inside the company. Due to the actual percent is very high in comparison with the standard value; we propose to reduce this percent with staff training to the following numbers:

Actual Values Proposed Values

Glass fiber workshop Finishing Workshop Glass fiber workshop Finishing Workshop

Scraps 5% 10% 2,5% 2,5%

Reworks 10% 10% 5% 5%

Due to the fact that the reduction of the actual values to the standard values is one objective very ambitious for this phase of lean management, we propose values more real according to the situation of this company.

After we made an intensive calculation, we discovered that the number of workers in the different workstation isn’t right, because without any application of lean management we only need 7 workers/shift for the spraying operations and 10 workers /shift in the finishing operations. These calculations were made taking into account the total lean time of production and the available time of work, all these data are expressed in the excel attached document. All these data were confirmed when we graphed the percent of costs because the majority of costs are expressed in people costs, because the enterprise is spending a lot of money in unnecessary workers and in the white collars (keeping in mind the size of the company which is small, and the number of production per day).

Our recovery plan in each step is the following:

Spraying operations

With a good ERP design the enterprise can know what part they have to produce and in what time, so we think in assigning one exclusive worker who will be responsible of the storage and managing of molds, where the level of the organization of the molds is very high, so we reduced the time of for the activity “look for right mold” to zero. The storage worker knows exactly where is each mold so he/she will not spend time finding the correct mold. Also this person will supply to each workshop the correct mold and will receive the molds from finishing operations to put them in the correctly place. The worker must have very high knowledge of the ERP and a good training of all involved activities inside of the company in order to do a good coordination of the flow of the molds. Also we reduce the time of the activity “waiting for cart” from 60 to 20 seconds because we assign a responsible for the storage so each workshop will not wait too much time for cart.

Due to we have proposed a very high level of staff training, we will reduce the time of reworks and scraps management to 15 sec/part, this time is the half of the first time because we considered that we will reduce the reworks and scraps to the half of percent how we explained at the beginning.

Due to that inspection doesn’t exist in the spraying we add this activity and we assume that this activity will take 20 seconds per mold. The inspection will be make when the spraying tasks finish.

Drying operation

We did the calculation of the quantity of molds that one stove can make per week and we detected that with two stoves we can’t answer to the needs of the customer, so the level of satisfaction of the customer will not be of 100%, according our calculation one stove can dry 1297 molds/week. We propose buy one stove more in order to answer correctly to the needs of the customer.

Assumption: we assume that the performance of three stoves is the same of that one stove and that the drying cycle time is the same of each stove namely 1800 seconds.

Finishing operations

How we explained at the beginning we will reduce the percent of scraps and reworks with staff training, so the time of this type of activities was reduced from 40 to 10 seconds per mold (assumption).

Due to that we assign one person who is responsible of storage, people who work in finishing operations don’t have to look for the correct mold because every person know exactly where is each mold and they don’t have to wait too much time for the cart, we reduce the time from 60 to 20 seconds, also during the drying cycle time people who work in the managing of the stoves can provide the finishing workshops if the storage responsible is full.

Also how we put one stove more and with the reduction of the quantity of workers in the spraying and finishing operations, we will reduce the waiting time to zero because people who work in the finishing workshops will not wait for molds dried. Then we add one activity more which consist in the inspection of molds at the same way like in spraying operations this activity will take 20 seconds.

After we did all these assumptions we calculate the quantity of stock between spraying-drying and drying-finishing for a media time of all parts, in order to affirm that our measures will be corrects.

For the media time we just plus all total spraying times (additional & spraying) and divide it in the total quantity of molds, at the same way we calculated the media total time for the finishing operations, the result is the following:

Total spraying time 7975

Quantity of parts 13

Media spraying time 614

Total finishing time 8450

Quantity of parts 13

Media finishing time 650

Parts: Left front fender, right front fender, hood, left front door, right front door, left rear door, right rear door, left rear side panel, right rear side panel, trunk door, roof, front bumper and rear bumper.

If there are 6 workers in the spraying each one must make 6 molds in order to full the stoves which capacity is 36, so the spraying time for make this quantity of molds is 614*6=3684 seconds, it means that in 3684 seconds the 6 spraying workers will make the 36 molds of the stoves capacity.

Spraying= 614*6= 3684 seconds

For other hand, in the drying we just consider for the calculation only the time of unloading and drying cycle doing the assumption that the time of drying is fixe for the three stoves namely 1800 seconds (30 minutes), the loading time is not considered when we keep in mind that while one person is unloading the stove other is loading so the time is the same or less because there are three people doing this work and the loading time (60 seconds) is less than unloading time (80 seconds). Finally the calculation is the following:




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