Ejercicio En Ingles Super Size Me
Enviado por Andrea34o • 17 de Junio de 2014 • 1.307 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 306 Visitas
“Super Size Me” Name ____________________ Section _________
Video Sheet
Instructions: Complete EACH question based on the information from the video. If you miss part of the movie due to a missed class, write ABSENT for the section of questions you missed, then FIND AN ARTICLE on Nutrition, Fitness or Lifestyle Diseases, type a summary of the article and a reaction (two paragraphs) and turn in the article with your write-up when you submit this video sheet to Miss Halberstadt.
This worksheet is due on the day the video finishes. You must turn in this paper for full credit.
According to the Movie, “Super Size Me”……….
Introduction -
1. What is the total % of obese adults in the USA? 60%
2. Since 1980 the total number of overweight and obese people has doubled with 2 times the number of children and 3 times the number of adults.
3. What is the fattest State in the US? Mississippi
4. Obesity is second only to smoking as the major cause of preventable death and is responsible for 400,000 deaths a year (with related illness).
5. One in every 4 Americans visits/eats fast food a day and McDonalds feeds more than 46 million people world wide daily (which is more than the population of Spain).
6. In order to support his experiment, Morgan sets out to answer some questions that relate to the pending lawsuit mentioned previously. He wants to know if the food companies are solely to blame for the obesity epidemic. Where does personal responsibility stop and corporate responsibility begin? Is fast food really that bad for you? What would happen if “I” ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days? Would “I” suddenly be on the fast track for becoming an obese American? Would it be unreasonably dangerous?
7. Morgan consults 3 different doctors before embarking on his “McDiet”.
8. Morgan’s initial cholesterol is 168.
9. Do any of the doctors tell Morgan NOT to do this experiment because they think it will make him really sick? Answer in your own words
10. At the “Health” Center, Bridgette Bennet, the Registered Dietician (RD) says Morgan’s BMI is within __normal limits. The RD says that Morgan should be eating about 2,500 calories a day including 80 grams of fat and less than 25 grams of saturated fat. Morgan’s current weight is 185.5 lbs and current body fat is 11%.
(what does BMI stand for body mass index?)
11. More than 60% of Americans get NO exercise. In order to mimic a typical American, Morgan has to limit his steps to less than 5,000 steps a day.
12. What are Morgan’s rules for diet?
#1 = Can only Super Size when asked.
#2 = Can buy food only sold over the counter at McDonald’s.
#3 = He has to have everything on the menu at least once.
#4 = He has to have 3 square meals a day.
“Sue the ………………………..”
13. Yale Law Professor John Banzhaf explains that in terms of responsibility, the finger should be pointed at McDonalds for luring the kids. Listing that birthday parties, playgrounds, happy meals with toys, and the clown, are all examples that support his opinion.
14. In 2000 Dr. David Satcher, Former US Surgeon General declares obesity as a national epidemic. His biggest concern is the concept of “super sizing”.
15. According to Lisa Young………………………………..