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Fixing tools: Uses and characteristics

Enviado por   •  20 de Abril de 2018  •  Informe  •  332 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  101 Visitas

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Use of GB 100 fixation tool

It works with a 22-gauge cartridge of an industrial type and is designed to make fixings in concrete and steel. The tool uses the captive piston system and therefore guarantees maximum safety in its operation. It is a simple firing tool so that after each fixation, the piston must be returned at the same time a new industrial cartridge is placed inside. It is recommended when using the Tool always the use of Safety Glasses.

Characteristics and Benefits:

-Portable and simple Quick, light and resistant.

-Does not require electrical power for its operation.

- Cap ejection automatically.

- Universal: For concrete and steel applications

Use of fixation tool GB 350

It works with cartridge caliber 27. of 10 pieces and is designed to realize fixings in concrete and steel. The tool uses the captive piston system and therefore guarantees maximum safety in its operation. It is a semiautomatic tool, so after each fixation, the piston must be returned to its original position, the next cartridge of the 10-piece strip is placed in automatic. It is recommended when using the Tool always the use of Safety Glasses.

Characteristics and benefits:

-Easy to use and maintain

-Compact design that facilitates access to small spaces

-Powerful and reliable performance

-Constant power throughout the lifetime

Use of fixing tool GB 350ª

It works with cartridge caliber 27. of 10 pieces and is designed to realize fixings in concrete and steel. The tool uses the captive piston system and therefore guarantees maximum safety in its operation. It is a semiautomatic tool, so after each fixation, the piston must be returned to its original position, the next cartridge of the 10-piece strip is placed in automatic. The GB 350ª has a power regulator to provide greater installation versatility. It is recommended when using the Tool always the use of Safety Glasses.

Characteristics and benefits :

-Portable, simple and light.

-Avance of automatic strips of 10 cartridges

-Fast and with power regulator

- It does not require electric power for its operation.


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