Ingles: Actividad de adquisición del conocimiento
Enviado por betolozanojasso • 26 de Septiembre de 2014 • Trabajo • 957 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 496 Visitas
Actividad de adquisición del conocimiento
Frank: Hello?
Gloria: Frank?
Frank: Yes, what’s up?
Gloria: This is Gloria. I have a problem. Can you help me, please?
Frank: Sure. Tell me, what do you need?
Gloria: I have to look for some water facts and present the information tomorrow, but I’m staying over at my grandparents´, and they don’t have Internet access.
Frank: I´m online right now. Hold on. Let me see what I can find. Get a pen and some paper.
Gloria: Thank you. You´re so nice.
Frank: ok. Here we go. If you freeze water, it becomes solid.
Gloria: Well, I knew that one. Tell me another one, please.
Frank: When you process a can of vegetables or fruits, it uses 35 liters of water.
Gloria: Wow! That´s something new! I got it.
Frank: If water becomes ice, it floats.
Gloria: Do you know why?
Frank: It´s because ice is about 9% lighter than water. Is this enough?
Gloria: Yes, it is. Thanks! I owe you one.
Frank: No problem. Bye.
Frank: Bye, bye.
2. Identify the solution that Gloria found to solve the problem.
The solution was that she had called his friend and asked him to seek information about the water because she did not have internet access. Frank said Gloria take a pen and some paper to pass the information we had found on the internet. Eventually Gloria had what she wanted and gave thanks to Frank for helping her in her presentation
Use the words in the box to complete some different facts about water
a) If you process a barrel of crude oil, it needs 7000 liters of water to refine it.
b) Plants die if they don’t get enough water.
c) When you drink water, it leaves your stomach in about 5 minutes.
4. Do some research about water facts in the Internet, books or specialized magazines
The earth contains about 525 million cubic miles of water. The amount of water containing our planet has not diminished nor increased in the past two billion years.
Over a period of 100 years, a water molecule spends 98 years in the ocean, 20 months as ice, 2 weeks in lakes and rivers, and less than a week in the atmosphere.
Water is the main regulator of the Earth's temperature.
Water is the only substance in nature that can be found both in solid form, such as liquid or gas. State changes of water (which exists mostly liquid) are produced due to the closeness of the molecules. The closer are the molecules to each other, the water takes the solid state; when they are further apart, assumes the gaseous state.
Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid.
Each day the sun evaporates a trillion tons of water that remains in the atmosphere until it returns to the surface as precipitation.
Actividad de organización y jerarquización
Write in the timeline below your future activities and the time when you think you will be doing them.
Actividad de aplicacion
Match the environmental problems with the pictures
a) Water pollution
b) Drought
c) Floods.
d) Melting of the poles.