- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Legalizar drogas

Enviado por   •  6 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Síntesis  •  3.222 Palabras (13 Páginas)  •  130 Visitas

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Secondary 64 ‘’Jaime Sabines Gutiérrez’’

Name: Cynthia Esmeralda Duarte Mendoza

Teacher: Yessela Rdz.

Grade: 3°    Gruop: A

Roll: 1O

In Favor

 • Legalizing drugs would end a major source of corruption, which increases at all levels of government because a substantial number of police, customs officers, judges and all authorities have been bought, bribed or blackmailed by traffickers, creating a great atmosphere of distrust of the population towards the public sector in general.

• The government would stop wasting billions of dollars on the war on drugs, resources would be used to fight the real criminals: those who violate the rights of others (murderers, crooks, rapists, thieves, terrorist groups) . Moreover, legalization is descongestionaría prisons, which today are inundated by people whose only crime was the consumption of substances that are prohibited by law. All these efforts to combat drug trafficking have been unsuccessful. For example, the same authorities recognize that despite all the money spent, current efforts only intercept 13% of shipments of heroin and a maximum of 28% of the cocaine. According to the United Nations, the profits of illegal drugs are so inflated that three quarters of all shipments should be intercepted in order to significantly reduce the lucrative business.

• With the legalization State pretext to undermine our freedoms in order to carry out this war against drugs is over. Wiretapping, searches, log files, censorship and arms control are acts against our freedom and autonomy as individuals. If today drugs are accessible even in the areas of maximum security prisons, even turning our countries will achieve prisons keep drugs out of reach of those who want to consume. Legalizing these substances will prevent governments turn our countries into de facto prisons.

• Legalizing drugs will deactivate the time bomb that has become Latin America, especially countries like Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia. In the latter, the drug-financed guerrillas handle billions of dollars in military equipment front, and threaten to spread their struggle to countries like Panama, Brazil and Venezuela. A couple of years making a submarine in Colombia to transport weapons and drugs were found, demonstrating the strength of these guerrilla groups. All this has led to increasing intervention by the United States, who for a couple of years ago have been strengthening its military presence in the region in a way not seen since the end of the Cold War.

• The legalization will lead to that society learn to live with drugs, as it has done with other substances such as alcohol and snuff. The social learning process is extremely valuable to decrease and internalize the negative effects arising from the use and abuse of substances. However, policies such as the prohibition to turn consumers into criminals, discourage the emergence of behavior and social attitudes necessary to deal with the problems of addiction and consumption of such substances tempranero.

Against it

• The Legalization would not end the lucrative business of drug trafficking. To remove the legal barriers that would prohibit marketing afloat today dominates the underworld criminal activity , making flourish the market with higher sales and 400 billion dollars that the current trade volume is expected to triple , plunging the world into a sea of ​​drugs.

• if Possible to reduce the price of drugs unlimited supply for greater social harm by extending the poison would affect an immensely greater than the current universe . Theft and prostitution to finance their consumption would charge a higher rise .

• Legalizar Drug would say " liberalizing " quality control . Which is to establish a scale of the effect of the poison that kills anyway , although some product delay longer than the other. Irreparable damage would be at least three times .

• It is clear that the drug causes urban violence , police abuse , confiscation of assets, improper searches, etc. , free consumption without the legal brake multiplied by a thousand such damage and incorporate new groups now happily outside consumption.

• Legalization end with the reduction of freedoms , wiretapping , searches, registration blacklisting, censorship and control of weapons that threaten " our freedom " . Have they forgotten that incur criminals in drug trafficking are criminals of the worst kind , against which there is no doubt account ? The collective imprisonment does not end with the drug control and secure fit. The liberalization will give more freedom ... who ?

A Favor

 •        Legalizar las drogas acabaría con un foco importante de corrupción, la cual aumenta en todos los niveles del gobierno debido a que una substancial cantidad de policías, oficiales de aduana, jueces y toda clase de autoridades han sido comprados, sobornados o extorsionados por narcotraficantes, creando un gran ambiente de desconfianza por parte de la población hacia el sector público en general.

•        Los gobiernos dejarían de malgastar miles de millones de dólares en el combate de las drogas, recursos que serían destinados a combatir a los verdaderos criminales: los que le violan los derechos a los demás (asesinos, estafadores, violadores, ladrones, grupos terroristas). Además, con la legalización se descongestionaría las cárceles, las cuales hoy en día se ven inundadas por gente cuyo único crimen fue el consumo de substancias que están prohibidas por la ley. Todos estos esfuerzos por combatir el tráfico de drogas han sido inútiles. Por ejemplo, las mismas autoridades reconocen que a pesar de todo el dinero gastado, los esfuerzos actuales solo interceptan el 13% de los embarques de heroína y un máximo del 28% de los de cocaína. De acuerdo con las Naciones Unidas, las ganancias de las drogas ilegales están tan infladas que tres cuartos de todos los embarques deberían ser interceptados con el fin de reducir de manera significativa lo lucrativo del negocio.

•        Con la legalización se acaba el pretexto del Estado de socavar nuestras libertades con el fin de llevar a cabo esta guerra contra las drogas. Intervenciones telefónicas, allanamientos, registro de expedientes, censura y control de armas son actos que atentan contra nuestra libertad y autonomía como individuos. Si hoy en día las drogas son accesibles incluso en las áreas de máxima seguridad de las prisiones, ni siquiera convirtiendo a nuestros países en cárceles vamos a lograr mantener a las drogas fuera del alcance de aquellos que quieran consumirlas. Legalizando estas substancias evitaremos que los gobiernos conviertan a nuestros países en prisiones de facto.


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