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Métodos de la investigación científica

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The scientific method is concrete at various stages or steps to take to solve a problem. These steps are the techniques or processes. The research objects determine the type of method to be used .The scientific research methods are divided into two : empirical and theoretical , but actually in the process of research, these methods are never separated . Each other specific techniques employed , as is common to both techniques.

Empirical methods

Empirical methods are the fact , observation , measurement and experiment.


It has been said that the factual science of facts. The fact is a fragment of objective reality that can be grasped with the theoretical material instruments (such as the microscope, telescope , scale , etc. . ) And has developed a particular discipline , and even certain facts can be captured by the organs of way. The fact is the foundation of the theory, because from it a (theoretical) explanation of it is built. This explanation has continually contrasted with the facts to prove its truth or falsity. The constrastabilidad of theory with the facts is the main criterion of truth of a science .

Currently attributed to the fact some features :

Exists independently of what a researcher has discovered . The fact they are not part of the theory, but are outside. However we learned them from their theoretical enunciation, although we know of an event can only be a distortion of it.

The facts are authentic, simply exist , and there should be the slightest doubt about them. The problem is whether what is seen in the fact that it is all in itself .

The facts are invariant : what changes is the way to perceive , for example , to remember how it was changing the image of the universe from the ancient Greeks to modern thinkers researchers. Maybe now the conception of the universe is still far from reality, but it is much more accurate than before.

The knowledge process begins in the choice and definition of the facts and then moves to its theoretical interpretation . But paradoxically , the choice depends on the facts of prior knowledge, or theories that serve as benchmark. In summary, the work of the scientist is to explain the facts of reality, they are the foundation of all scientific developments and knowledge as it grows around the scientific facts is able to differentiate .

The observation is the first empirical procedure , which can be distinguished :

( i) the object of observation ,

( ii ) the subject of observation,

( iii ) means for observing ,

( iv ) the conditions of observation and

( v ) the system of knowledge from which the purpose of the observation is made and its results are interpreted.

Observing is not passing the view above , but look for some evidence following a conceptual order, since the one about "data" nude constitute evidence or evidence presupposes that will function within a certain inferential framework : for various reasons , the collection of data blindly is probably impossible , since even at the minimum levels of perception, there is always , already running, some selective rational framework , and there is little doubt that the level of scientific observation, what we call " observation " and that we called " inference " are inextricably linked .

As Charles Darwin said , to scientific observation serve something has to be for or against some theory : the reason for


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