Enviado por adaswani • 11 de Agosto de 2015 • Examen • 1.463 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 185 Visitas
- Plants need _________________ , ________________ , _______________ , ________________ and ________________ to live.
- Plants clean the __________ that we breathe.
- Plants produce ____________ for humans.
- The ______________ are part of the plant that makes food.
- Plants flower makes ______________
This pigment turns a plant green and helps it make food.
- Photosynthesis
- Leaves
- Clorophyll
This part of the plant is made of tiny tubes for carrying water, minerals and food.
- Stem
- Roots
- Petal
A plants food is glucose. Another name for glucose is
- Clorophyll
- Sugar
- Flour
Which gas do plants release into the air?
- Hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide
- Oxygen
Which gas do plants need for photosynthesis?
- Nitrogen
- Carbon dioxide
- Oxygen
______ roots a. Part of plant that makes food
______ Leaves b. Part of plants that hold and protects seeds
______ Flower c. Part of plant that soaks up water and
_______ stem d. Part of plant that makes seeds
_______ Fruit e. Part of a plant used to support and has
Tubes for carrying food, minerals and
_______ Sugar f. a green pigment that is found in plants
Leaves that help the plant make food.
_______ oxygen g. The type of food that plants make in
Their leaves.
________ clorophyll h. the process that plants use to make
Energy from sunglight.
_______ photosynthesis i. the type of gas that plants need for