Enviado por andersvn • 23 de Septiembre de 2015 • Ensayo • 903 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 85 Visitas
Latin productio, the concept of 'production' refers to the action of generating (understood as a synonym of produce), the object produced, the way they carried out the process or the sum of the products of the soil or industry.
The verb produce, in turn, is associated with the ideas of breed, breed, breed, procure, lead, lead and manufacture. When it comes to land, however, produce is a concept that describes the situation bear fruit. Moreover, when the word is applied to an element, acquires the sense to rent or pay off interest.
In the field of economics, production is defined as the creation and processing of goods and merchandise. The process encompasses the conception, processing and funding, between other stages. The production is one of the most important economic processes is the means through which human labor creates wealth.
There are several ways to perform a certain production in the framework of a society determined by production links that individuals establish in the employment context. Through the relations of production, individual work becomes a part of social work.
For the German philosopher Karl Marx, the mode of production is not determined by the object or the amount produced. Not for how it is produced, but how this production is carried out.
Since we have mentioned the figure of a historical figure, history is again necessary to emphasize a term that was born during the era of industrialization and managed to become a real phenomenon and innovation. We are referring to the concept of production chain.
A term that comes to define a working system, especially in the industrial sector, in which every employee has a specific function to be performed depends on another and that in turn encourages also the same arises another following. A form of organization that can be displayed perfectly what is in the movie Modern Times (1936) Charles Chaplin.
Mention may be made between the different modes of production, the slave (where the workforce is a slave, therefore, is not owned by the worker), the feudal (related to agricultural activity) and capitalism (where the worker, through a contract, sell their labor in exchange for a salary).
In addition to everything mentioned also it should be noted that other types of production referred to very specific fields. Thus we find, for example, audiovisual production which is what concerns content such as movies and television. Hence companies that are dedicated to developing jobs in both areas are known as producers.
And we must not forget the musical production. This in particular is the one that is performed by a dedicated professional in the field that bears its name, to control and monitor what is recording songs by a particular artist or group.
Continuous Production System. In such situations manufacturing system, in which facilities are tailored to certain routes and operation flows that are not affected by scale interruptions.
That is, the raw materials are continually receive from their suppliers, are stored, and transported for chemical processing.
Batch Production Systems. They are characterized by a system of production batches. In these cases, you work with a particular batch of products is limited to a level of production, followed by another batch of a different product.
Intermittent production is used when demand for certain product is not large enough to use the total time of continuous manufacture.
Modular production systems. They refer to the manufacture of permanent structures set at the expense of making less permanent substructures.