- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Wearing Fur

Enviado por   •  26 de Junio de 2013  •  282 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  326 Visitas

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Wearing fur

the skins: a matter of life or death

eighty-five percent of European production of skin is originally from ranched animals *. Minks, foxes, cattle, otters, ferrets, chinchillas, are part of the group of animals used to produce leather for clothing and upholstery. For mink, foxes, chinchillas and ferrets their lives will last until the thickness of your skin friendly enough to be marketed. At that time they will be killed by methods that try to produce the least damage to your valuable skin: lethal injection, suffocation, electrocution. Sometimes they are torn skin while the animals are still alive.

For skin that does not suffer any "cosmetic damage" animals are killed in the most cruel ways:

Were electrocuted

Were gassed

Asphyxia are

Batters were

Traps are hunting you agonize for hours, even days.

Animals need your help

The screams produced by animals on a fur farm is hard to forget. It's the sound it produces madness and despair, horror at the sound of death.

When the value of an animal is measured by the weight of your skin, it does not matter to their breeders suffering or injustice. It matters little frustration with a life in seclusion in a demented.

Alternatives to the use of skin are now available to everyone: cotton, lycra, leather or synthetic fabrics and other plant tissues available to us in stores.

Millions of animals around the world need to expose their plight. Equanimal's work is to communicate to society that when we talk about skins, talking about a matter of life or death.

Today vegetable or synthetic alternatives for colder climates. Mountain climbers do not wear fur; materials are designed to isolate the wind and cold. You can live in very cold areas without carrying skins were seized from others.


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