Activities unit 6. interwar years
Enviado por Darío Mateo • 14 de Julio de 2023 • Tarea • 635 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 55 Visitas
- Watch the video “¿cómo se llegó a la crisis de 1929?” and answer the following questions: i can do the exercise, the video is no longer uploded
- What happened on 24th. October 1929? What it generated?
- What happened to US industries when WWI was over?
- What did they do in the stock market during the 20s?
- Which another cause influenced in the crash of 1929?
- Activity 6 (133) and 6 (147).
6. (133)
- Because US withdraws foreign investments and because US dramatically reduces imports
- Production exceeds demand, wide spread speculation in the stock market and a gap between the real economy and the stock market
- the main causes of the crash were expeculation and over production. The event that triggered the crash was the black thursday
- banking system crashes, companies close, unemployment rose, prices fall and farmers went bankrupt
- the crisis affected europe and Latino American countries because US banks witdrew investments and imports were dramatically reduced
- Germany was the worst affected country because the debt a lot of mony to european countries so americans were giving them money, when american banks crashed they had no money but debts
- Read “The New Deal” (page 133) and answer the following questions:
- What response did European and Latin American countries do to the crisis in the League of Nations? Do you think it was successful? They did no response, each country only looked for its one benefit, it had no success.
- What was the New Deal? Give the most important measures. Do you think it was successful? The new deal was a program introduced by roosvelt for recovering american economy, it promoted public works, farming subsides, improved working conditions and restructuring the financial system.
- Read text “Radicalisation and fear” (page 134) and answer questions below.
- The working classes felt fear because of the constant demonstrations, and united to defend thier interests.
- Fascist and non communist groups united to protect thei benefits from the communism.
- Answer questions in activities 4 & 6 (page 135).
middle and upper classes feared and rejected communism, after the crash people lose confidence in democracy and in traditional political poarties
- Read “What was Fascism?” in page 136 and complete the following diagram related to the characteristics of italian Fascism:
LEADER | mussolini |
TYPE OF STATE /PARTIES | Totalitarian regime, only mussolini’s party |
ENEMIES | Democracy, opposition comunists (were redeemed by violence) |
MEANS TO ACHIEVE GOALS | Opponents in prison, secret police, autarchy institute, |
CONTROL SOCIETY THROUGH | Propaganda, mass media and use of education |
NACIONALISM | Italian nation glorified, believement of superior nations |
ECONOMY | State controlled economy, autarchy, economicall self sufficient state |
FOREIGN RELATIONS | Expansionism, occupied abyssinia and albania |
- Read “the Fascist dictatorship” (page 137) and write stages for achieving Mussolini the power in Italy and becoming a totalitarian regime.
Opponents in prison, creation of secret police, efforts increased for italy to become an autarchy, expansionism