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Century VII B.C Homer, He proposed to educate the people from the heroic deeds. Since this contributes to education, training and personal growth of students, emphasizing values and principles that people should achieve, education is transmitted through oral and written tradition, and propose technical education and ethical how to do (know how to do).

471 - 399 B.C. Socrates learning by self-discovery, learning by questioning, develops the ability to think critically.

428 - 348 B.C. Plato equal education for men and women, proposes the pedagogy of play (children should begin their educational process through playful activities).

384 - 322 B.C. Aristotle's teaching method is observation, he seeks to promote human knowledge in experience, he gave great importance to play in children, for the good physical and intellectual development, music was vital in education.

1225 - 1274         St. Thomas Aquinas proposed that intellectual formation is achieved by discovery or by teaching. Education is necessary for man, without it he would not fulfill his being.

1492-1540 juan Luis vives, Inductive and experimental method that goes from the particular to the general. Since all knowledge is taken to reflection and practice. Some pedagogical contributions are: Knowledge at the service of the common good and that teaching should be carried out according to the personality and nature of the student.

1592 - 1670 John Amos Comenius proposed that education should be comprehensive, not memoristic. His method was based on the natural processes of learning, which are induction, observation, the senses and reason.

1746 - 1827 Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi proposes teaching through observation, where the student can experiment, explore and have direct contact. He says that the teacher must integrate the 3 main elements of his method which are mind, heart and hand. Importance should be given to the child's development and he also says that education begins at home where knowledge is acquired, which will be the fundamental basis of his life.

1870- 1952 maria Montessori, the mind of the child possesses a wonderful and unique capacity to acquire knowledge, then she incorporates didactic material in the preschool formation, since she creates environments where the student is carefully organized, these designed to encourage their self-learning and growth.

Incorporated sensory and mathematical materials in teaching and learning of children, where he allows the child to find the solution to problems by himself, and where he focuses on self-training.

1930 ruby robinson introspectionism. Reflection of the mental process

1940 behaviorism, Thorndike, pavlov and Watson, behaviorist response learning. Stimulus-response learning can be conditioned to generate the desired outcome.

1944 skinner and mager neobehaviorism. In addition to the stimulus-response, there are mental processes that are capable of modifying the information provided by the stimuli.

1960 Vigotsky historical and cultural approach, learning occurs through cultural learning through interaction with other people.


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