WH Questions
Enviado por Miguel Arteaga Cacho • 4 de Julio de 2023 • Apuntes • 829 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 88 Visitas
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Wh – Questions
What, When, Where, Who, Why, How
They are all used to elicit particular kinds of information.
- WHAT when you are asking for information about something.
- WHEN to ask about the time that something happened or will happen.
- WHERE to ask questions about place or position.
- WHO when you are asking about someone's identity.
- WHY to ask for a reason.
- HOW to ask about the way in which something is done.
WHAT | is | your name? | My name is Lynne. |
WHEN | Is | the party? | The party is on Tuesday. |
WHERE | are | you from? | I’m from Peru. |
WHO | are | you? | I’m Lynne. |
WHY | is | this web site here? | Because it is! |
HOW | are | you? | I’m fine thanks! |
- What, can be used with or without a noun as a question word. E.g:
- What time is it? = What is the time?
- We use when to refer to a future situation or condition that we are certain of. E.g:
- When is the party? The party is on Tuesday.
- When is your birthday? It is on Tuesday 22nd of May.
- We use where as a conjunction meaning 'in the place that' or 'in situations that'. E.g:
- Where is the pen?
- Where she left the keys?
- Who, if the question can be answered with a personal pronoun (he, she, it, or they). E.g:
- Who is at the door? They are!
- Why to talk about reasons and explanations. E.g:
- Why is the Earth round? Mmm… I’m not sure.
- How, is mainly known as an interrogative adverb to find out the way an action happens and measurements and amounts. E.g:
- How are you? I’m fine thanks.
- How much it cost? It is s/ 23.00.
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1.[pic 8] are you excited? Because I have birthday today.
2.[pic 9] are you today ? I‘m fine ,thank you.
3.[pic 10] is your coat ? In the bedroom
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