Enviado por TRON999 • 11 de Abril de 2016 • Ensayo • 651 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 286 Visitas
In this exercise seeks to recall and apply past habits regarding the forms of entertainment of children. To prove this fact we debates about the reality in situations our today and compare them with those of 20 years ago, things like ways to pass the time, to relate and even as easy nowadays things that 20 years ago were something difficult or almost impossible to have on hand at those times.
What is a fact is that the generations, the passing years, they change with his social and family environment, so if current generations have changed their perspective is as things evolve and in the world today children and adolescents are molded and wrapped in more and more customs and fashions accepted by society. This and other positions were discussed in this talk about old and new generations.
There was discussion about whether it was actually a better way of life for about 2 decades or of our time as there are many variations in the technology that many children and adolescents have and so forget paramount to when it comes to recreational activities, but equally whatever opinion when discussing respected.
You can put a lot into practice if we consider that in the past had not been as electronic devices or accessible as now so we talk about the ways in which we can access and enjoy if.
We conclude with the review we realized the difference between habits and what they did for children 20 years compared with today em day, each Integrates gave his point of view according to the subject and for the habits that we had children 20 years they had more capabilities or at least more in line with how old they are, finally should be noted that all members had different views and we had to respect them and simply take note of it.
En este ejercicio se busca recordar y aplicar los hábitos del pasado con respecto a las formas de entretenimiento de los niños. Para demostrar este hecho que los debates sobre la realidad en situaciones de nuestra actual y compararlos con los de hace 20 años, las cosas como formas de pasar el tiempo, relacionar e incluso tan fácil hoy en día las cosas que hace 20 años eran algo difícil o casi imposible tener a mano en esos momentos.
Lo que es un hecho es que las generaciones, paso de los años, cambian con su entorno social y familiar, por lo que si las generaciones actuales han cambiado su punto de vista es que las cosas evolucionan y en el mundo hoy en día los niños y adolescentes se moldean y envueltos en más y más costumbres y modas aceptadas por la sociedad. Esta y otras posiciones se discutieron en esta charla sobre viejas y nuevas generaciones.
Hubo una discusión acerca de si era en realidad una mejor forma de vida por cerca de 2 décadas de nuestro tiempo, ya que hay muchas variaciones en la tecnología que muchos niños y adolescentes tienen y así se olvidan de suma importancia para cuando se trata de actividades recreativas, pero igualmente lo cuando se habla de opinión respetada.