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So Beautiful Woman (Version Ingles)

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So Beautiful Woman (Version Ingles)

Obed: Grace as you see the woman, ie you define you as a woman.

Grace: notice that the woman, as I see it, is an essentially different being male, for various reasons, your body is as if padding, ie softer, spongy, while the male is more fibrous and more strong, of course; the woman has well delineated curves, while the male is more head box, but nice.

Obed: ah okay

Grace: No, I'm not kidding the man are like a box, but more or less j j aja aja man is dreamy, attached to what he believes and loves; more emotional, while the embodiments are looking astonished women. The woman focuses on being beautiful, in detail, has more developed perception, can see things, it's like a real assumption. We can look inside and behind the personality of a person, we see things; We can also do many things simultaneously, the man focuses on one thing; think of three or four things as we write, we can watch TV and study at the same time, we are unique. Women like to grow intellectually and professionally, in the aesthetic, we are meticulous, we are retailer, we like the man intuit what we want, we want to discover l without telling and we appreciate that; man focuses on winning more, be alante, develop physical, technical and intellectual. The women we like to believe how good of us say, we like nice words about we, we do not know why, but we believe seems off course, that does not make us so many, it makes us tender and different. Well anyway I think that women are smarter than the male.

Obed: aja aja

Grace: No, no, but yes. Ja j aja foresee, really, that masters to dominate in all spheres: politics, economy, sports, technology among others, and at home, you know that we are the leaders, without us you nothing, nothing. We mark the route. Know what the problems the problems is that some men are considered masters of women and consider as one, as a shirt or scarf that can throw it, get it, put it where they want, and that keel me, Because I know that the woman sees the man as a protector, a defender she trusts and waits for better consideration and affection.

Obed and grace presented an exhibition on gender violence, door to loneliness, as a dialogue for the sociology class. It was one of several techniques they had learned to present their learning, sometimes as a discussion or an interview.

Obed: Okay so you're concerned, men are quedados but actually, I think and I think like you, so, I wonder why I watch men, as you point your, who want to own the girls and exert force on them, forcing them to do what they want and violence or gender.

I do not understand how a man is able to hit or force a woman to do what he wants. That's depressing, embarrassing, atingente; that's creepy, it's filthy. It is salted route. The man who does that can be compared to a scavenger, feeding on corpses, it is the closest thing to a hyena that snatches the right to the owner of the dam.

Grace: the homeschooling is important in vision that man has a woman. As a child watching his father treat your mother, almost always treat your partner, his girlfriend. So when I fall in love I have to know the family of my potential partner to know how they treat each other, as is my love to her sisters if has, so I tried it myself.

Obed: ah that's OK, it's a smart move.

Some form of violence is promoted by bachata, reggaeton, urban music and sung another kind of misery that degrades women; I do not say that music is a pittance; but from those genres violence it is triggered and contributes decisively to many female maladies. A lot of fashion genres incite men, at least Dominican, to kill, hit and injure women. Cancines these are depressing and rhythms. I am surprised that no authorities who are interested in stopping by resolution or law that is transmitted by the Medes this curse.

Being a woman, she had made boycott not to support parties that artists who sing to death and degradation of women.

Obed: look at this data you provided statistics teacher. In a recent report, the center bono concludes that 80% of families are vulnerable to violence as a result of life, education, low wages and poor access to basic services. According to the World Bank, 34.4% of the population lives below the poverty line. According to a Gallup Institute survey 51.8% of the female population of the Dominican Republic believes that the main problem that women and girls in the country on a daily basis is the abuse, harassment, abuse and violence they face.

I consider that the state needs to do more to overcome this bad and unacceptable trace. I think the bank woman has to reach the woman really needs. I also believe that the churches have a prominent role in undo this evil deed.

I'll read an article he wrote my grandfather for the local newspaper, I give myself to you this morning it is the first that I'm going to read because it is violence, listen:

 Violence does not define something vita, but it seeks to obtain power and control. We live in a troubled, intolentante, unjust and unstable period, where power and authority have visa to violate the masses. impunity and thievery are the norm, and most defenseless and stunned by the overwhelming power of the media but justified, it is customary to think that everything is closed, it is not possible to see the light. That's what a few merchants of terror and fear that young people want to believe, to kneel, the cervix remains as a bulrush, to accept evil as the everyday and folly as a lifestyle; however, if there is light, if there are brave, if there are young seasoned and enlightened, they know it's just one night, soon it comes the dawn, light n is far

Somehow the sun will rise in the middle of the night and find those who stand to gain a wicked booty and off. the light that naturally leads young house inside the sun will rise and those who seek to turn the smile of youth, will be cut, and withered like summer flower. No happened, remain locked in their own tangle, are abortifacients who grew up in the shadow of evil and those not happen, so it feels and lives the young forward, the champion, who can not crush so easily.

Do you think the article of my grandfather.

Grace: is an almost indigestible for my thought; It is deep and consistent. I love. Your grandfather is a man with deep human feelings. I enternece.

Obed: you know who Sali.

Grace: Yes, I see, but do not forget that it is also my uncle.

Obed: I do not forget.

Now, when it comes to women, I put into practice what God says in 1st.

Peter 3: 7:

You, meridos, likewise, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, ....

The woman is the most beautiful and graceful being that exists on earth. So beautiful woman


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