Ensayo Honestidad Ingles
Enviado por naniitah • 9 de Abril de 2013 • 865 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 1.541 Visitas
This essay aims to study and publicize everything related to honesty to form people of good with a high degree of social consciousness. Honesty is a human quality that consist in acting according to how one thinks and feels. In its most obvious sense, honesty can be understood as the simple respect for the truth in relation to the world, the facts, and people. In other ways, the honesty also involves the relationship between the subject and others, and the subject with itself. Given that the intentions are closely related to justice. Also related to concepts of honesty and dishonesty. There is a widespread confusion about the true meaning of the term. Thus, we are not always aware of the degree of honesty or dishonesty of our actions. Self deception makes to lose perspective regarding the honesty of own acts, disregarding all those visions that could alter our decision. To act honestly we don't have to be afraid to say what we feel or think, we must really fight for what we want, we must know ourselves primarily know our limits, to not finish acting with dishonesty. Today for all is very difficult to be honest, because many times we find ourselves in difficult situations which in the end do not suit us to speak the truth for fear of leaving handicapped. Honesty is not only a moment, honesty should be always does not mean that once we are going to assume the truth but the other no longer. We have to be very aware of what we look at, say, and do. Very important attribute in the personality of each human being. All seek it, but in the end not all have it. It is a matter of education, desires for him that honesty is part of us. But today we seek what comes with ease and at the end leaves better be dishonest and us no matter the consequences, on the other hand if we lucháramos to be honest would have a result best might say an award. I believe that in all this desire that nearby persons we have honesty as a priority not as something secondary rather unimportant because that's part of the relationship that we have with the person, nobody wants to interact with dishonest people who in the end what they do is lie and hurt with what they say or do. The young and the young must enhance this value and respect the rights and dignity of the people that was typical of our ancestors, and which has been transmitted from generation to generation. Honesty is say what you really feel, express their feelings, speak without masks or ties. A Honestà person is one who is in continuous contact with their emotions, and this way to express with their social environment. The more that one needs is to be honest with oneself, to be honest with each other. In life you learn and eventually honesty grows. From honesty to find it any improvement in your emotional and social life. The honestida is the branch of many things through it get people to believe in you. Trust is created through honesty that the people believe in you and know what kind of human being you