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Essay about a small mexican town.

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Irene Gutierrez
Mr. Reid
English 3 Honors
09 September 2016

The Place I Must Go Back To

It is a beautiful place. Located in the north area of Jalisco, Mexico. I grew up here. A small town, which is considered to be “The Heart of Jalisco.” It’s called Jalostotitlan but, to shorten, call it Jalos.

As I said before, it is a very small town. You can ask anyone about a certain person and it is likely they will know who the person is, where he/she lives, who his/her parents are, and almost any detail you need.

I lived there for nine years. I was six when my family decided I needed a better climate than Nevada’s extreme cold and heat to recover from the severe asthma I was diagnosed with at the age of 5 after a severe asthma attack that sent me to the hospital for a few days. We moved in the year 2006 and we didn’t come back to Sparks until last year, 2015; only to go back on vacation for a month in June 2016.

In all the years I spent there, and the time I have spent here, I can say they are very different places, and yet, at the same time, they are very much alike.

It’s a beautiful place. Picture a sunset, seen from above the cathedral in the middle of what we could call downtown.

Downtown is a small area, surrounded by stores of all kinds and little food stands selling corn, hotdogs, pancakes, and traditional candies. It has all kinds of trees randomly placed throughout the place, and benches where people sit and talk and just enjoy their day. All sorts of people are going in all directions; cars go through the one-way streets that surround the main square and some other people just stand eating an ice cream waiting for someone to go somewhere.

There are beautiful parks. Not big parks, like you may see here, but small, green parks. Nice and quiet places where one can go sit and have some ice cream, maybe just enjoy the day. Children are playing and you can see couples sitting have a nice time too.

There are exactly three parks. A very small one; in the edges of the city. It used to be just a creek, but when water stopped flowing only a very green area remained so they made it a park.

The second one is one near downtown. It is not so green, it has a volleyball and basketball court and it’s mostly composed of benches to sit, a path around it to walk or jog and slides and swings for children to play. As I mentioned before, one can also see couples sitting in the benches or under the huge trees the park has. Couples enjoying their date, having ice cream, or just laughing and having a nice time. People also like to grill here; it is a popular thing.

The third and last park there is, is the biggest one of all. It is in the very edge of the city, uphill, crossing the freeway. This is a beautiful park where many families have reunions and mini-parties. There are slides and other games for kids to play, a swimming pool, two basketball courts, a volley ball court, a baseball field and three soccer fields. It has an extensive green area and many trees. It is a fascinating place to spend the day. One would certainly lose notion of time while lying on the grass, under a tree shade with a loved one or by yourself. Personally; this is my favorite park.


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