Genetics Online Review.
Enviado por Karlitosburritos • 5 de Septiembre de 2016 • Síntesis • 479 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 143 Visitas
Wesleyan Academy
Ms. Burgos
Genetics Online Review
Name: Karlos J. Mate, Jean M. Peña Grade and Section: 10-3 Date: February 29, 2016
Instructions: Use the following links, observe the video or animation and answer the following questions in the space provided. Email to when completed.
- What is DNA?
- Explain what is DNA (details). DNA provides all of the information necessary for a living organism to grow and live reside in the nucleus of every cell. DNA tells the cell what role they will play in your body. They encode a detailed set of plans for building different parts of the cell.
- How is the structure of the DNA called? Double Helix
- Where can we find the DNA molecule? In the nucleus of every cell
- What does DNA stand for? Deoxyribonucleic acid
- How are the sentences in the DNA called? Genes
- Explain the structure of the:
- DNA (polymer or monomer): Looks like a twisted ladder, called the double helix, the ladders rungs are built with the four-letter DNA alphabet. A,C,T,G. A always pairs with T, and C with G. All share a deoxyribose sugar backbone and nitrogenous bases.
- Nucleotides (polymer or monomer):
- What is included in the structure of a nucleotide? Linked by phosphodiester bonds, linked in a directional manner. Purines, and pyrimidines. Cytosine combine with guanine, and adenine combines with thymine.
- Which are nitrogen bases known as purines? (A) adenines, and (G) guanines
- Which are nitrogen bases known as pyrimidines? (C) cytosine’s, and (T) thymine’s.
- Build a DNA molecule
- Explain Chargaff’s principle. The amount of adenine is equal to thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine.
- DNA Testing Example
- What do you think of this type of test? Will you go through this type of test to identify possible diseases that you might inherit? Explain. I think this test is a good thing, because it prepares you for whatever disease you might get, and I surely would take it in order to prepare and to be more careful with myself.
- DNA Replication
- Name the enzymes used in the process: Helicase, and DNA polymerase.
- What is a gene?
- What is a gene? Instruction manuals for our bodies, they are the directions for building all the proteins that make our bodies function. Made of DNA. They contain instructions for building proteins.
- Give example on how genes are expressed on an individual. Enzymes that produce pigment in our eyes and keratin, which grow hair and nails.
- Summary of DNA
- Identify 3 things that called your attention from the animation.
-How effective they were of showing how it all works.
-Their way of making you understand while keeping you interested.
-How good the animations looked, and the examples given in them.