- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Genetics Online Review.

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Wesleyan Academy


Ms. Burgos

Genetics Online Review

Name: Karlos J. Mate, Jean M. Peña         Grade and Section:  10-3                     Date: February 29, 2016

Instructions: Use the following links, observe the video or animation and answer the following questions in the space provided. Email to when completed.

  1. What is DNA?

  1. Explain what is DNA (details). DNA provides all of the information necessary for a living organism to grow and live reside in the nucleus of every cell. DNA tells the cell what role they will play in your body. They encode a detailed set of plans for building different parts of the cell.
  2. How is the structure of the DNA called? Double Helix
  3. Where can we find the DNA molecule? In the nucleus of every cell
  4. What does DNA stand for? Deoxyribonucleic acid
  5. How are the sentences in the DNA called? Genes

  1. Explain the structure of the:
  1. DNA (polymer or monomer): Looks like a twisted ladder, called the double helix, the ladders rungs are built with the four-letter DNA alphabet. A,C,T,G. A always pairs with T, and C with G. All share a deoxyribose sugar backbone and nitrogenous bases.
  2. Nucleotides (polymer or monomer):
  1. What is included in the structure of a nucleotide? Linked by phosphodiester bonds, linked in a directional manner. Purines, and pyrimidines. Cytosine combine with guanine, and adenine combines with thymine.
  2. Which are nitrogen bases known as purines? (A) adenines, and (G) guanines
  3. Which are nitrogen bases known as pyrimidines? (C) cytosine’s, and (T) thymine’s.

  1. Build a DNA molecule

  1. Explain Chargaff’s principle. The amount of adenine is equal to thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine.

  1. DNA Testing Example

  1. What do you think of this type of test? Will you go through this type of test to identify possible diseases that you might inherit? Explain. I think this test is a good thing, because it prepares you for whatever disease you might get, and I surely would take it in order to prepare and to be more careful with myself.

  1. DNA Replication

  1. Name the enzymes used in the process: Helicase, and DNA polymerase.

  1. What is a gene?

  1. What is a gene? Instruction manuals for our bodies, they are the directions for building all the proteins that make our bodies function. Made of DNA. They contain instructions for building proteins.
  2. Give example on how genes are expressed on an individual. Enzymes that produce pigment in our eyes and keratin, which grow hair and nails.

  1. Summary of DNA

  1. Identify 3 things that called your attention from the animation.

-How effective they were of showing how it all works.

-Their way of making you understand while keeping you interested.

-How good the animations looked, and the examples given in them.


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