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Enviado por   •  3 de Junio de 2015  •  1.384 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  177 Visitas

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Debate against homosexuality


Good companion’s morning, Professor.

-The Following discussion is about gay people. In my opinion, homosexuals should not, neither marry nor adopt children because God created us so that women and men (nature) to join, no two people of the same sex.

If a gay couple adopts a child this child would grow up without a mother and grow viewing homosexuality as normal that is why I am against homosexuality.

- What is homosexuality?

Homosexuality is the practice of erotic relations with persons of the same sex.


-We Take homosexuality as a DISEASE "homosexual is not born, but made" (a person not born homosexual if you do not homosexual) disease can be cured with psychological treatments.

-In Homosexuality does not exist in nature (this referring to when man and woman procreate)

- The sex was given to us to create us and multiply and homosexuality does not lead to either, this trend would end the human species, since two persons of the same sex can not be played.

-The Love homosexuals are just as sexual satisfaction and pleasure, just fun, leaving aside the true essence of love, not all in love is sex.

If we were to be homosexual women would not exist if it is there it shows that such a union is unnatural and also leads to diseases that are preventable.

-In The case of gay marriage: Marriage is an essentially heterosexual institution and this implies denature the concept of marriage, which means pervert the "nature" of it.


- Could allowing homosexuals to marry and adopt children?

Children do not have the true picture of a father and mother would be very confused

- What example would be giving to the children if a gay couple wants to adopt?

The parental figures is essential for the formation of the child, as this is based by example and if this continues it would go against nature that is born, grow, mature, reproduce, and die.

Arguments Against Gay Marriage

* Marriage is an essentially heterosexual institution and this implies denature the concept of marriage, which implies nature' pervert it.

* You can pass laws and marriage between same sex but that does not guarantee at all that are accepted by society.

* There will always be people who disagree with the law on this issue and take the issue to joke and with little respect.

* To prevent abuse or neglect legal homosexual couples do not need to approve gay marriage, since most of the benefits of a marriage can be regulated through legal agreements (eg in relation to inheritance, transfer of property, timeshares, etc.).

* Mal appearance in society as two men showing love to the public is frowned upon.

* Because the homosexual is not interested in marriage, and that unions and gay relationships are often short and deeply unstable. The average number of sexual partners over a lifetime in the US is four (in the case of heterosexual) versus 50 (in homosexuals)

In case of adoption or own children:

* This rule would generate a delaying chaos in the Adoption Registry (two mothers, two fathers ?,?).

* May your children have homosexual preferences. A study in the US, in 1997, shows that children of lesbian couples have a much higher predisposition to homosexuality that children raised by heterosexual mothers.

* Should have own children by any partner or adopted children may be misguided by the couple.

* Every child has the right to a father and mother to their full development as a person. Thus, granting gay adoption would be detrimental to the child. In short, the most common damages to which they are exposed children adopted by homosexuals are:

* Homes unsound, given the inherent instability of homosexual couples.

* Symptoms of gender identity disorder.

* Rejection mate homosexual father.

* School failure and low self-esteem.

* Risk of parental sexual abuse. Example: in the US, 29% of cases in children of homosexual versus 0.6% in children of heterosexual parents.

* Higher rate of mental disorders.

Answers arguments against marriage

* And these guys are not going to grow with trauma and confusion? Anyone who knows of these families can answer


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