Illegal Trafficking Of Wild Animals
Enviado por kiana1234 • 8 de Abril de 2015 • 472 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 184 Visitas
Wild animals is the official term that people and specialist give to the animals that can’t be legally domesticate. Some of this are lions, zebras jaguars monkeys etc. You can only see them in a zoo were they are in captivity. FALTA
People should think on how this is affecting the animal and not in the profits. Changing them so abruptly of their natural environment can affect the animals emotionally and psychology. Being separate from their species and the freedom can cause depression. In the documental “Blackfish”, which is about an Orca in SeaWorld named Tilikum, which has been in captivity for 25 and how it affects them. The orca was involved in the deaths of three instructors, which the legal department Sea World said that it was because of them. Many specialist such as; veterinaries and trainers the main reason was because of the captivity. According to
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or (PETA) there’s a psychological condition of the animals kept in circuses and zoos, named zoochosis. The symptoms are pacing circling swaying and self-injury caused by the loneliness, stress and the desperation that the animals feel.
In the process of capture, the people can be very cruel. Many of them don’t care for the animals. Also in Blackfish one of the trainers a said how he and the team took the baby orcas from their mother. It was a long process because the adults would protect their children and sometimes, the humans would put rocks on the whales so would drown and liberate de babies. Falta
Wilds animals are being trafficked for their skin, entertainment, for experimentation or be the domestic animal of a drug dealer. The skin of the animals is used in the fashion industry. One coat of fur can cost hundreds of dollars. It should be illegal to sale them. Another reason is for the entertainment for the people. There’s a circus well known for treating and training their animals, especially the elephants, with cruelty called Ringling Brothers. Some of the cruelty is left them to starved, violently beaten them with bull hooks and kept them chained.
".:: Somos Amigos De La Tierra - Alimentación ::." .:: Somos Amigos De La Tierra - Alimentación ::. Web. 3 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Get The Facts:." The Dangers of Keeping Exotic “Pets”. Web. 2 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Illegal Wildlife Trade." World Wildlife Fund. Web. 4 Mar. 2015. <>.
"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals