- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Opposites Spanish To English

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abrir to open cerrar to close

aburrido, aburrida boring interesante interesting

aburrise to be bored divertise to have a good time

aceptar to accept ofrecer to offer

acercarse a to approach alejarse de to go away from

acordarse de to remember olvidar, olvidarse de to forget

admitir to admit negar to deny

afortundo, afortunada fortunate desgraciado, degraciada unfortunate

agracedico, agredecida thankful ingrato, ingrata thankless

ahorrar to save (money) gastar to spend (money)

alejarse de to go away from acercarse a to approach

algo something nada nothing

alguien someone nadie no one

alguno some ninguno none

allí there aquí here

amar to love odiar to hate

amargo bitter dulce sweet

amigo, amiga friend enemigo, enemiga enemy

amor love odio hate

ancho, ancha wide estrecho, estrecha narrow

anoche last night esta noche this evening

antes (de) before después (de) after

antiguo, antigua ancient, old moderno, moderna modern

antipático, antipática unpleasant (people) simpático, simpática nice (people)

apagar to extinguish encender to light

aparecer to appear desaparecer to disappear

aplicado, aplicada industrious flojo, floja lazy

apresurarse a to hurry tardar en to delay

aprisa quickly despacio slowly

aquí here allí there

arriba above, upstairs bajo below, downstairs

ausente absent presente present

ayer yesterday mañana tomorrow

bajar to go down, subir to go up

bajo below, downstairs arriba above, upstairs

barato, barata cheap, inexpensive costoso, costosa costly, expensive

bendecir to bless maidecir to curse

bien well malo (mal), mala bad

blando, blanda soft duro, dura hard

caballero gentleman dama lady

caliente hot frio cold

callarse to keep silent hablar to talk

cansare to get tired descansar to rest

caro, cara expensive barato, barata cheap

censurar to criticize elogiar to praise

cerca (de) near lejos (de) far

cercano nearby lejano distant

cerrar to close abrir to open

claro, clara light (clear) oscuro, oscura dark

cobarde cowardly valiente valient, brave

cómico, cómica comic, funny trágico, trágica tragic

comprar to buy vender to sell

común common raro, rara rare

con with sin without

contestación answer pregunta question

contestar to answer preguntar to ask

contra against con with

corto, corta short largo, larga long

costoso, costosa costly, expensive barato, barata cheap, inexpensive

crear to create destruir to destroy

cubrir to cover descubrir to uncover

culpable guilty, cupable inocente innocent

dama lady caballero gentleman

dar to give tomar to take

debajo (de) under encima (de) on top

débil weak fuerte strong

decir la verdad to tell the truth mentir to lie

dejar caer to drop recoger to pick up

delante de in front of détras de in back of

dentro inside fuera outside

derrota defeat victoria victory

desaparecer to disappear aparecer to appear

descansado, descansada rested fatigado, fatigada tired

descansar to rest cansare to get tired

descubrir to uncover cubrir to cover

descuido carelessness esmero meticulousness

desgraciado, degraciada unfortunate afortundo, afortunada fortunate

despacio slowly aprisa quickly

despertarse to wake up dormirse to fall asleep

después (de) after antes (de) before

destruir to destroy crear to create

desunir to disunite unir to unite

desvanecerse to disappear aparecer to appear

détras de in back of delante de in front of

día day noche night

diferente different mismo, misma same

difícil difficult fácil easy

diligent diligent perezoso, perezosa lazy

distinto, distinta different semejante similar

divertise to have a good time aburrise to be bored

dormirse to fall asleep despertarse to wake up

dulce sweet amargo bitter

duro, dura hard blando, blanda soft

elogiar to praise censurar to criticize

empezar to begin terminar to end

enano dwarf gigante giant

encender to light apagar to extinguish

encima (de) on top debajo (de) under

enemigo, enemiga enemy amigo, amiga friend

entrada entrance salida exit

entrar (en) to enter (in, into) salir (de) to leave (from)

esclavitud slavery libertad liberty

esmero meticulousness descuido carelessness

esta noche this evening anoche last night

este east oeste west

estrecho, estrecha narrow ancho, ancha wide

estúpido, estúpida stupid inteligente intelligent

éxito success fracaso failure

extraño unusual usual usual

fácil easy difícil difficult

fatigado, fatigada tired descansado, descansada rested

feliz happy triste sad

feo, fea ugly hermoso, hermosa beautiful

fin end principio beginning

flaco, flaca thin gordo, gorda fat

flojo, floja lazy aplicado, aplicada industrious

fracaso failure éxito success

frio cold caliente hot

fuera outside dentro inside

fuerte strong débil weak

gastar to spend (money) ahorrar to save (money)

gigante giant enano dwarf

gordo, gorda fat flaco, flaca thin

grande large, big pequeño, pequeña small

hablador, habladora talkative taciturno, taciturna silent

hablar to talk callarse to keep silent

hallar to find (something) perder to lose (something)

hembra female macho male

hermoso, hermosa beautiful feo, fea ugly

humilde humble orguiloso proud

ida departure vuelta return

ignorar not to known saber to know

imposible impossible posible possible

ingrato, ingrata thankless agracedico, agredecida thankful

innatural unnatural natural natural

innecesario unnecessary necesario necessary

inocente innocent culpable guilty,


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