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Proverb in Spanish Explanation Proverb in English

Enviado por   •  27 de Septiembre de 2013  •  463 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  458 Visitas

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Proverb in Spanish Explanation Proverb in English

Al que madruga dios lo ayuda The ones who make things at time have a rewrad The early bird gets the worm

A falta de pan las tortillas son buenas When we can´t have the best, something is better tan nothing Something is better than nothing

Árbol que crece torcido jamas se endereza The bad things that we have became from our past A leopard can´t change his spots

A buen entendedor pocas palabras The one who know doesn´t need too much A word to the wise is enough

Dios los hace y ellos se juntan We are with the people that are the same Birds of a feather flock together

De los males el menor When we have a bad experience are have to think what could be worse Choose the lesser of two evils

Cada quien tiene su manera de matar pulgas Everyone have a way to defeat the problems Everyone has his own way to skin a cat

Cada loco con su tema Everyone have their own ideas Different strokes for different folks

Los lazos familiars son más fuertes The only think that remain is family Blood is thicker than water

De tal palo tal astilla Sons are equal to their parents Chip off the old block

El que mucho abarca poco aprieta The one who wants everything stays with nothing Don´t bite more than you can chew

Mucho ruido pocas nueces Don´t talk more than you really know or have Empty vassels make more noice

No hay mal que por bien no venga Bad things ocure for something Every cloud has a silver lining

El que se fue a la villa perdio su silla The one who doesnt see what already have, loose everything Finders, keepers, losers weepers

Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres The things you´ll reach depend in with whom you are with Hunt with cats and you´ll catch only rats

A lo hecho pecho The things that already passed let them go It´s no good crying over spilt milk

Soldado que huye sirve para la otra guerra Solve your problems in the right moment WQho fights and run away lives to fight another day

Cuando las arañas unan telas pueden cazar a un león Small things together make giant things Many a little makes a mickle

El que quiere celeste que le cueste The one who wants the best have to odo the best for it No pain no gain

Gato escalado del agua fria huye We learn about our mistakes Once bitten twice shy

Piensa dos veces antes de actuar We have to analize our acts before acting wrong Think twice act wise

Al pan pan y al vino vino There are things for each one exclusivelly To call a spade a spade

Las penas compartidas saben a menos When we share our pain the cargo is less Two in distress makes sorrow less

Donde fueres haz lo que vieres You act acording for where are you from When in Rome, do as Romans do

No cantes Victoria antes de tiempo Don´t think you will win when you dont finish


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