- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Teaching Experience ~ Practicum

ACG Parnell College (Cambridge) Currently

7 week practicum 8th to 12th August – 22nd Aug to 30th Sep 2011

ACG Parnell College offers an international curriculum and a positive environment for Years 1-13. I am currently in my second and final practicum and I know I am gaining significant knowledge and experience that will surely help me to be a highly competent teacher as well as life-long learner. I enjoy being here and I will always treasure this time in Parnell College as an important step in my career.

• Taught Spanish Y10 Advanced, Y10 Mainstream and Y9 (a variety of different grammatical and task-based units)

• Taught Drama Y10 (units on Stanislavsky methods and Shakespeare ‘Othello’ an introduction)

• Taught Drama Y9 (unit on Devising)

• Overseeing Drama Club extracurricular activity (Wednesday after school)

• Assisted with Drama Production (extracurricular activity)

• Assisted with Spanish examinations

St Cuthbert’s College (NCEA)

7 week practicum 4th to 8th April – 2nd May to 10th June 2011

St Cuthbert’s College is a Christian school for girls only. St Cuthbert’s College strives to excel and to provide girls with the best learning experience possible in order for them to be excellent global citizens. The atmosphere of the school is pleasant and I was well received by the staff members and the students specially. I personally had a meaningful experience that motivated me and strengthened my decision of becoming a Spanish and Drama teacher.

• Taught Spanish Unit called: ‘Mi estilo de moda’ to the Y10A and Y10B (This was a task-based unit around the topic of clothing; the culminating task was a fashion show)

• Taught Drama Unit called: ‘Immigration’ Physical Theatre to the Y10

• Observed Spanish Y13 and Drama Y11 classes

• Helped marking Drama Devise NCEA pieces for Y13

• Oversaw internal examinations

• Assessed students' work for internally assessed components of qualifications

“You have good presence in the classroom and your voice (volume) is pitched appropriately” (Dr Martin East, senior lecturer of the University of Auckland, visited class during first practicum)

Other Experience and Community Involvement

• I participate actively in the ‘Cristo Viene’ Ministry Trust and Latin-American Church. I have assisted the youth group devising different plays and ideas that appeal to teenage audiences and performers. I have also devised famous Bible stories with the youth group and presented them to the church as well as choreographed dance pieces

• I volunteered in (Documentary organization) in 2010

• I help Elizabeth Canales – Event Manager (021 10 14 185) – in creating


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