- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Vocabulario Castellano

Enviado por   •  28 de Mayo de 2012  •  337 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  580 Visitas

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1. Finca: property, manor house. / fastigheter.

2. (él) se dejaba interesar: get himself carried away by something, in this case the storyline.

3. Trama: storyline. / handling.

4. Apoderado: attorney. Someone who controls your businesses if you’re out. Not a lawyer, but something similar.

5. Aparcerías: deal or agreement.

6. Estudio que miraba: This means that the office/library was headed toward the park.

7. Robles: oak-tree. / ek.

8. Arrellanado: Adjective. It means sitting with all the comfort anywhere.

9. De espaldas a la puerta: back to the door. (So this way you can’t see the door and who’s entering the room)

10. Terciopelo verde: green velvet, which is an expensive tissue/material. / grön sammet.

11. Retenía: Retain something in the brain. Generally information or pictures.

12. Novelesco: novelistic, fictional. / fiktiva.

13. Gozaba del placer casi perverso de irse desgajando línea a línea de lo que le rodeaba: He was enjoying the fact that while he was reading, he was just forgetting everything that was in his surroundings, or happening in his thoughts.

14. Alto respaldo: high back (of a chair or seat).

15. Al alcance de la mano: At your fingertips. Within easy reach.

16. Atardecer: Sunset. / sen eftermiddag

17. Absorbido: Absorbed, like taken by the reading.

18. La sórdida disyuntiva de los héroes: The sordid dilemma of héroes. (in the case, the lovers that keep their love in secret are the heroes)

19. Concertaban: concerting, like appearing.

20. Testigo: witness. / bevittna

Teo.Rel: Espai4dim->cotninu esp-tmps,

És elstic, la grvetat el deforma, ls trnsm

D’ones ele-mgn tnn variac, els obj cnvien

Ls svs dimns.

Nwtn: El mov dpn de l’obs, temps s univ,

Tts ls forces actúen loc. menys la gravetat,

Establ. Llei gravitacio univ. 1687

Fun/ona: preveu 1)la cohe. De la superpos.

D’estts d’una part. Qn s msura 1 part q

Prsnt auna sprpsic noms es pot observr

1 dels estats.

2)l’entrllcmn part.: hiha part. q prsntn propi

entrllcds, d mnra q 1 prop d’una part cndici

l’altra part, indpendmnt de la seva posivio.


De Brog. : Demstra la 2 naturlsa de la llum

Dualitat on-corpuscle (newton i huygens)

->pant.: es recull patro d’interf. No es pdn

Msurar simult. 2 compartaments. 1924

Maxwell1865: relacio magn. i electr, comp

Ondltri de l’electrmgntsme, 300.000km/h

Les ones. La llum s una ona electromgn.

Éter(inv a temp, inertquim,


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