- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Metacognicion ingles IV INTRODUCCION

Enviado por   •  13 de Marzo de 2018  •  Ensayo  •  483 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  88 Visitas

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Author: Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez.

Synopsis: Always something or someone that motivate us to over come our limitations this novel focuses in the life of José Carlos a guy that meet a girl,justiniana deghemtheri. A new girl in his school that to attract the looks of everything.he calls her sheccid that Is the name of a beautiful arab princess. He Is in love with her and fight for the love of this girl without important the obstacles in the way.his biggest obstacle was dont know how demostrate his love but it was necessary demostrate his love and so he did.

The form of write of Cuauhtémoc Is awesome, original like this novel,the form in that change the narrator: from first to third person and from third to first person Is incredible, with a final that make you cry and ask you some things, a final unbeateble.

The novel "The eyes of my princess" is a book for all ages, but especially for young people. This moving love novel has very important messages for us, young people. Despite having been written a few years ago, the issues dealt with by Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez in his book and the situations he relates are totally current. In it he speaks, for example, of pornography, denouncing this mafia that causes deep damage to many. One of the characters that appears in the novel is involved in this world and ends up really bad, while the protagonist of the book, José Carlos, is able to get rid of it.

José Carlos, a shy, idealistic, unsociable boy with a desire to become a great writer, falls in love with a young girl whom he calls "Sheccid" and whom he feels in love with before meeting her in person, even. She is a beautiful girl, the person who has given her reasons to face her fears, the girl who in an almost absurd way steals her heart and in the same way that it dislodges her, Sheccid is the one who gives her the reason to be his boring life. And although conquering a Deghemteri will not be an easy task, the attempt will lead to one, a breaking down barriers, a life in a different way. And when he discovers the strange secrets of '' his princess '' and the disappointment and feeling of "deceit" becomes the mark of what is for the first time only in love, you will only have to write your own version of the story...

Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez has fallen in love with his style; with his way of seeing adolescent love in a more adult way; with ideas that, at times, you feel appropriate to you.

This novel makes you see the reality of life on a journey to the years 1978. An original and realistic novel, which always leaves you expectant. The addictive pen of a renowned author, author who has achieved success with this beautiful story.


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