- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejmplo de Como se da la Comunicacion oral y escrita

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[pic 1]                                          Jimena Jaimes Prieto; Instructora Ingles


  1. Complete the sentences about the people on the pictures.

Use these verbs:  Operate – Study – Use – Draw – Build - Eat


 [pic 2]


[pic 3]


[pic 4]


[pic 5]


[pic 6]

6. [pic 7]

1. She is eating salad right now.

3. He is drawing the blue-prints of the house.

5. We are developing a big house.

2. He is using a theodolite.

 4. I am studying with my friend in my apartment.

6. This person is operating  a forklift.

  1. Complete the sentences. All of them negative. Use the verbs in brackets.

1) He is not walking to school now. (Walk)

2) I am not studying at the moment. (Study)

3) They are not mixing sand, cement and water right now. (Mix)

4) You are not playing soccer in the park now. (Play)

5) We are not designing the apartment at the moment. (Design)

6)  She is not demolishing the wall right now. (Demolish)

7)  It is eating dog food at the moment. (Eat)

  1. Organize the questions.
  1. Is -  in the park? -  playing -  tennis - she               Example:       Is she playing tennis in the park?
  1. Hammering  - are  - you -  at moment?                  are you Hammering  at moment?       
  1.  He – driving – big – bulldozer – is – a – now?      He is  driving a bulldozer big now? 


  1.  Are – right now? – we – excavating – the – in – street     we Are excavating in the street right now?

  1. Measuring – are – the – they – field – now?    they are Measuring the field now? 

  1. She -  reinforcing – the – is – wall?     She is reinforcing the wall?  
  1. The – is – eating – meat – cat – at the moment?   The cat is eating  meat at the moment? 
  1. Complete the questions with:  

 WHAT  -  WHERE   -   WHEN   -  WHO - WHY

Example:  WHERE are you from?  Answer: I am from Bogota

1.   What are you doing?   Answer: Designing.

2.  Why are you studying construction? Answer: because I like to build houses.


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