Examen conceptual de filosofía
Enviado por bricuemilio • 29 de Agosto de 2023 • Examen • 559 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 55 Visitas
Explain the difference between Necessity and contingency. Provide some examples.
- Necessity refers to something that is always true, while contingency refers to something that is true only in some circumstances or situations, an example of necessity is "2+2=4", which is also necessarily true and cannot be false, for contingency for example, "It is raining outside" is a contingent proposition because it is true in some possible worlds
Explain the difference between Trascendence and immanence.
Provide some examples.
- Transcendence refers to the idea that something exists beyond the physical world, while immanence suggests that something exists within the physical world. Transcendence is often associated with the divine or spiritual, while immanence is often associated with the natural or material world
Elaborate about the concepts of essence and substance.
Provide some examples.
- Essence refers to the defining characteristics or qualities of something that make it what it is. It is the set of properties that are necessary for a thing to be what it is, and without which it could not exist or be the thing that it is. Substance, on the other hand, refers to the underlying material or entity that has these essential properties. It is the stuff that things are made of.
What is a petitio principii, or circular argument? Provide an example.
- According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, petitio principii refers to a logical fallacy in which a premise is assumed to be true without guarantee, or what is to be proved is taken for granted.
What is a reductio ad absurdum. Give some examples.
-In logic, a reductio ad absurdum (Latin for "reduced to the point of absurdity"), also known as argumentum ad absurdum (Latin for "absurd argument") or apagogic arguments, is a form of reasoning that attempts to Circumstances can lead to absurdities or contradictions to substantiate an assertion. This form of reasoning dates back to ancient Greek philosophy and has been used throughout history in formal mathematical and philosophical reasoning and debate.
What's the difference between abstract and concrete.
- Concrete thinking is just regarding the facts. On the other hand abstarct thinking goes down below the facts. While some mental process is involved in abstract thinking, no such effort is evolved in concrete thinking. A person with concrete thinking does not think beyond the facts.
Define subject and object.
- The subject is the entity or individual who perceives or experiences the world. It is the conscious or cognitive agent who is aware of his or her own existence and surroundings and the object, on the other hand, is the external reality that is perceived or experienced by the subject.
Elaborate about the concepts of Existence and beings
- Many 20th-century analytic philosophers, such as Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and WV Quine, argued that Being and Being are identical, that is, Being is Being. It's basically what's called "realism," which claims that there is no existence beyond what actually exists. The identity of being and being also means that every predicate sentence can be translated into an existential sentence without changing the meaning. For example, adding "exists" to "a wise man" to give the complete sentence "A wise man exists" has the same effect as using a copula to join "some man" to "wise" to say "Some man is wise" . The "is" of the existential clause replaces the copula. This view is the dominant basis in modern Anglo-American analytic philosophy: existence is asserted through existential quantifiers.