- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Las 17 leyes del trabajo en equipo

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                                              [pic 1]

Syllabus  English Advanced.

Instructor: Raúl Gerardo Panganiva Velasco                                                                                                        Email:

Important dates: 

English Adv. ;  1st test-week5, 2nd test-week 10 or 11 and test 3 –week 16.



Course Objective: The students will be exposed to new language and will have numerous opportunities to practice with very specific communication goals through the course, systematically building the knowledge required to make their experience memorable and to be able to communicate more effectively.

Course Material: Viewpoint 1 Student’s Book.

Evaluation Scheme: The students will have three exams, which evaluate speaking, reading, listening and writing. Also you will write an English Log which you must turn in every Monday. The evaluation is as follows: 

Listening – 20%

Speaking – 20%

Reading – 20%

Writing – 20%

English Log – 10%

Proficiency/Attendance – 10% (average of student’s and teacher’s grade)

Total –100%

Exams (20% each area): There will be three exams on which you will be evaluated with a rubric  for speaking and writing and a written exam for listening and reading . Each area represents 20% of your total grade.

English Logs (10%): Here is where you, in a notebook, write down new words or phrases that you hear during your practices of English outside the classroom. It can be something you read, something you listened to in a TV series, radio, movies, songs, on the internet, etc. You write down the activity, at least 5 words you learned and a short explanation about the activity. The logs must be turned in on Mondays.

Proficiency/Attendance (10%):  Proficiency will be taken into consideration for your grade. This is how well you do in class, your participation, homework, presentations or any other activity that you do in the classroom is a reflection that you are progressing. This is a daily self-evaluation and the teacher’s evaluation


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