American Civilization
Enviado por lalala26 • 20 de Marzo de 2014 • 450 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 463 Visitas
“This is where we are right now. It's a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years. Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, black and white, I have never been so naïve as to believe that we can get beyond our racial divisions in a single election cycle, or with a single candidacy – particularly a candidacy as imperfect as my own.”
Excerpt from Sen. Barack Obama: "A More Perfect Union" Speech Delivered March 18, 2008 Philadelphia.
Write a 1,500-word essay in which you discuss the above quote with special reference to the debate today on the so-called post-racial society.
The urban expression of ‘Post-Racial’ appeared approximately in 2008, it became popular after the 2009’s election. We could define it as “A term used to describe a society or time period in which discussions around race and racism have been deemed no longer relevant to current social dynamics.”
Our citation reflects an issue that obviously got a lot of attention over past years in America: is the United-State in a post-racial area?
America has a deep background in socio-economic equality between the white majority and the black minority.
The 28 of August in 1963, nearly three hundred thousand people gathered in front of the White House to claim that the country is changing and that the legislation required doing so. This huge manifestation had lone goal: remind to the Kennedy administration its commitments for civil rights activists in solidarity with the conditions of the blacks.
Indeed, United States faced a lot of different period in term of discrimination. In the 60’s the affirmative action was created with the Civil Rights Movements, in order to abolish discrimination of people of colour and women, to give them all the chance to compete in education and business. I think this is one of the first steps toward the idea of a post-racial society.
This does not mean that relations between the black minority and the white majority have not improved since the abolition of racial segregation by the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act the following year.
The election and Obama's re-election might suggest that skin colour is no longer a problem in a country where the white / black division has yet been structuring. The arrival of President Barack Obama in power of United States gave a new hope for Afro-Americans, and completely changed the thoughts of people. Indeed, as the first black president, discussions have flared up. And we often have found in the media, that black people complain about their situation and that some white people believe that the U.S. is finally in a post racial era since the president is black, and on their opinion the situation is fixed.