Guna Yala
Enviado por SharinPinzon • 29 de Septiembre de 2014 • 1.671 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 509 Visitas
Dulenega to what long knew the name of San Blas. And is that the indigenous Kuna or dules are best known inside and outside the Panamanian context as KUNAS.
“Dulenega” is a word consists of two terms: Dule , which comes from the root gland , and that means people, parts, person, human, living thing. The other word Nega, meaning house, town, or country habitat. Then comes being the homeland of Dule. Likewise the term Kuna Yala has the same connotation, but something different. Kuna : is another of the names does dule of himself , but that term in its meaning alludes to plain surface , hence this term is taken to originate from the primary or first layer of the earth , of the great Plains and habitat of man ( dule ) which is the earth's surface . Yala instead its literal translation is: mountain, hill valley.
The people Dule or collectively possess Kuna Yala. It is located northeast of the Republic of Panama, consists of approximately 550,000 acres (5,500 km2) and extends from southeast to northeast from border with Colombia and adjoins the Darien National Park (Panama) to the Gulf of San Blas. The mainland consists of a thick strip of forest, an area of approximately 350 hectares. This part forms the long, narrow half Atlantic slope of Panama and the southern boundary of the Shire.
The marine part extends a few miles off the coast, including more than 360 coral islands and comprising about 200,000 acres in total. From one end to the other the distance by sea in a straight line is about 226 kilometers (140 miles).
Kuna Religion is monotheistic and spiritual aspect that entails is of great intimacy for them and therefore very guarded. Because of this, the phenomena that occur in their ceremonies are difficult to interpret by people who do not belong to this indigenous group.
They believe in a God who created the earth, the sun, the plants, the animals, in short, everything that exists. They only see God on the day of his death and that he left here on earth angels to take care us. According to them the earth is shaped like a gourd and the star away in the sky to reach you when you die and live eternally in peace and equality.
In their culture, after the earth was created, God sent a series of “heroes to guide them and show them the ways to be followed. Hence and Indians to dress, sing, develop arts, etc., the way they make them.
Spiritually practice type feelings and convictions transcendentalist. Are considered “gold Men” (“Olo Tule " ), an essential part of nature and endowed with potentialities and privileges. According to their mentality, divinity is expressed as father and mother. For the Kuna, in nature of humans, animals and plants flow simultaneously male and female energies.
Political Organization
The highest authority in the political arena is the Kuna General Council, with the participation of the three General Sahilas or principal, the mayor or representative of the Panamanian government, all Sahilas of each of the islands, spokesmen, representatives of each communities and the Kuna who wish attend. These meetings are aired in a democratic economic affairs, education and health that affect the region.
There are local congresses every town, headed by the respective Sahilas. They meet at least twice a week, where adults (men and women) are required to participate. In them, such problems are aired and internal community within the family.
The three General Sahilas exercise their functions in a specific portion of the region, while locals in each of the villages. They can be deposed by the General Council or community, respectively, if so decided. Similarly, the spokesmen have authority and Guardians of Order.
Indians of San Blas, Kuna political organization is established as follows:
Sahila tumadi ( general managers )
Sahila abarniquet ( authority of each village)
Argargana ( spokespersons )
Sualibedis ( law enforcement officers )
Social Organizational
The Kuna family structure is based on monogamous marriage, which applies the concept of patriarchal society. The type of housing is hut of straw and reed, where the furniture is sparse, however, use the hammocks to sleep. The Kuna houses are usually built on flat land on the sandy soil. It is a large room used for sleeping, which is called Nega Tumat (big house). The room used for housework and food preparation (kitchen) is called Soenga (house fire).
Similarly, communal building where the ceremonies and festivals is called Ina-Nega (chicha house). There is another building where meetings are held the congress.
♣ Family: Constituted by the parent, guardian to bring food and everything you need at home, the mother, who leads the man and is responsible for domestic activities, the children, their sex are engaged in different activities, helping parents and Finally other relatives,