- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

He introduces the Kepler Laws of Planetary Motion.

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  1. Describe four contributions of the period's scientists.




The Scientific Revolution

Johannes Kepler

He introduces the Kepler Laws of Planetary Motion.

1. The planets move around the sun not in circles, but ellipses. 2. Planets do not move uniformly, but in such a manner that a line drawn from a planet to the sun sweeps out an equal area of the ellipse of its orbit in equal time, even if the ellipse is not perfectly centered on the sun. 3. The squares of the periods of the planets' orbits are proportional to the cubes of their distances from the sun.

The Enlightenment

Louis Pasteur

He discovered the fermertation, fermertation is the process to make wine and beer.

The US Independence

Benjamin Franklin

He did experimentes with the electricity to discover the light he also invented bifocal eyeglasses.

The French Revolution

Antoine Lavoisier

He named and discovered the elements and dictated the basics law of chemistry and also helped tto create the metric system

Enlightened Despotism

King Charles III

Appreciation of the monarchs for the sciencie contributed for the rise of new societies with this newspapers, jornals and circulars appeared.

  1. Complete the following.

  1. Describe biographical details of some proponents of the Enlightenment, such as Voltaire and Diderot. What do you find most interesting? (half page)

 In this era there are many scienctists to talk about it, the ones who get most my atention are Rene Descartes he was a french guy that used to meditate to get ideas of math because he was a mathematical thinker and Descartes’ Meditations was ground breaking because he was willing to doubt previous certainties and tried to prove their validity through logic also there is Isaac Newton who made incredible descovers for the science one of the most important of him was the discovery of gravity and he discovered this in an awesome way by an apple.

  1. Why were some European kings called enlightened despots?

These monarchs were popular and they were  very interested in the new ideas and in the new advances also they were knew for the decissions that they used to made  and for assesing natío well-being on a societal basis.

  1. Identify three kings that are representative of enlightened despotism, supporting your choice through images and a short biography.

King Charles III king of Spain. Born in Madrid on 20 January 1716, Charles III died in the same city on 14 December 1788. The son of Philip V of Spain and Isabella Farnese of Parma, he was duke of Parma and king of Naples before becoming king of Spain.

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Emperor Joseph II

Future Holy Roman emperor Joseph II was born in Vienna, Austria, on March 13, 1741. He became co-regent with his mother, Maria Theresa, in 1765, and sole ruler in 1780. During his time in power, Joseph issued decrees that promoted equality and education, but the speed and scope of his reforms led to problems for him and his empire. Joseph died in Vienna on February 20, 1790, at the age of 48.


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