- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles Cuidado en enfermería en área hospitalaria

Enviado por   •  13 de Marzo de 2018  •  Documentos de Investigación  •  303 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  397 Visitas

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Universidad Autónoma De nuevo león

Preparatoria 9

Grupo: 271        Ingles 2

David Angel Santos Fresnillo           1923333

Alberto Jael García Arriaga               1895240

José Andrés Marín Román               1921027

Darío Alan Duron Ovalle                   1900156

Brayan Marines Alcaraz                    1913291

Actividad Integradora

5 reasons why I chose these 2 foods

  1. Something different from the common
  2. Because l like both
  3. because it has many calories
  4. because it is very healthy
  5. because they are very famous



Not  healthy

She is very rich

It can give you obesity

It is healthy

Can give you a cardiac arrest

Can help you lose Wright

Your tummy hurts

Gives you better quality of life

Chronic diseases

It gives you energy

7 comparative sentences

  1. the fruit cocktail is healthier than the tacos
  2. they prefer tacos than fruit cocktail
  3. they prefer fruit cocktail than tacos
  4. the tacos make you gain weight than the fruit cocktail
  5. the fruit cocktail makes you lose weight that the tacos
  6. the tacos causes belly pain that the fruit cocktail
  7. Tacos are cheaper than fruit cocktails

Metal map [pic 3]

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