- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Artistic Education

Enviado por   •  6 de Junio de 2015  •  498 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  145 Visitas

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Art forms have always surrounded the daily lives of humans who throughout history have had to develop their perception, learning through artistic languages and their particular codes.

The goal of Art Education seeks to promote imagination and creativity, developing participation and student communication, to achieve new capabilities based on their training and their social integration. That is, in summary Art Education pursues students to "learn, enjoy, appreciate, create, develop identity and criticize the artistic processes and personal appropriation, as mediators of social interaction pair emotional thinking and the development of creativity" .

This new form of artistic experience has transformed in order to store, process, and transmit information and culture. It is therefore essential to find new ways to learn, to create and live an artistic experience that manifests itself in all aspects. Artistic production demands to master techniques and technologies that make individual and social learning through images, sounds, and stimuli that generate sensations and feelings changing educational environments.

Art Education will enable young people to discover their artistic tendencies, which would enrich human beings whereas they would use those aesthetic skills in their professional and personal performance so necessary in today's world.


Art Education is closely related to other areas and skills that will be used throughout the text, these concepts are the basis for building more complex ideas that we will be dealing frequently, therefore it is very important to have them very well clarified. science that studies the set of values

Aesthetics. - The science that studies the set of values related to what man finds beautiful in his surrounding world, whether created by him in his daily living or occurring naturally

Aesthetic Education. - Educational process aimed at training and / or development of an aesthetic attitude in man, for all that it has aesthetic value in the world, contributing to the development of the personality in relation to their sociocultural context.

Aesthetic Education is manifested through:

a) Nature. – Can be appreciated through a sun set, in the song of a bird, etc..

b) Human relationships. - When sharing with your partner, with a gesture of solidarity from a friend, etc..

c) The objects created by man. - A civil engineering construction, new technological apparatus.

d) Man himself. - In an external physical appearance from their dress, hairstyle, etc.., Internally and feelings and moral qualities.

e) Art. - Enjoy, appreciation and creation of works of art, such as painting, sculpture and more.

One of the main ways of Aesthetic Education is Art Education which educates people to understand, feel, appreciate.


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