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Consequences of World War II

Enviado por   •  6 de Marzo de 2013  •  Tesis  •  344 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  638 Visitas

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Consequences of World War II

1. League of nations failed

2. 21 million homeless in Europe

3. Europe´s power collapsed

4. US became the dominant power

5. Creation of Israel

6. Expansion of the Soviet Union

7. Expansion of the nuclear age

8. Nationalism and independent movements in Africa and Asia

9. Creation of the United Nations

Classification of wars

• Hot War

1. Diplomacy failed and the armies are fighting


• Warm War

1. Talks are still going on there would always be a chance of a peaceful outcome but armies, navies etc. are being fully mobilized

2. War plans are being put into operation ready for the command to fight

• Cold War

1. Neither side ever fought the other

2. Relationship between the US and the soviet union 1945 to 1991 in which they did fought for their beliefs using client states.

3. Indirect war

The Cold War was a system that ruled the international relations from 1945 to 1991

-A division by to blocks:

*Capitalist hegemony USA (CAPITALISM WAS DOMINGN)

*Communist Leadership Soviet Union(USSR)

Understanding the concept

Cold war: period of tension between us and soviet union

Why cold?

• Ever fought directly with the other. Both used “client” countries to spread their beliefs:

1. Communism

2. Capitalism


Development of the Cold War

1. Soviet union wanted to spread communism in the world, and the USA wanted to stop it.

2. Development of atomic bombs

3. Both countries feared of attack from another

4. Soviets feared that the us will use western Europe to attack the soviet union

5. The soviet union imposed communist government in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Rumania establishing a barrier between Western Europe and the Soviet Union.

With the defeat od Nazism a new world order began characterized by the coldness of the international relations between: USA(liberalism of capitalism) and USSR(socialism)

Capitalism Socialism

Usa fought against Korea and Vietnam with the purpose of stopping the expansion of communist ideas to other countries Socialism gained strength and extended along Europe starting new era.

It implemented the Economic Recovering Program un Europe With expansion of socialism, counties began spending in costly defense a massive conventional and nuclear arms

International Systems and Balance of Power

A system in an assemblage of units, objects or parts united by some form regular interaction.

Multipolarity: in there are a number of influential actors(countries) in the international system, balance-of-


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