- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Viejo Y El Mar ( Traducido)

Enviado por   •  16 de Febrero de 2014  •  472 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  315 Visitas

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1. Rush : Attacking violently , ramming with momentum

Two . Afanar : Surrender to an activity with application and commitment.

Three . Etching : metal etching technique , typically over copper , which is obtained by treating the parts of the board not covered by a previous coating with a solution of nitric acid in water

April . Subsided : Losing strength or intensity an atmospheric phenomenon

May . Drown: Cover the water a place, completely cover

6. Atarraya type: large fishing net that is thrown broadcast in circular motion, from small boats or beaches to collect small fish and medium

7. Shoal : Sand or rock that rises above the seabed.

8. Hook : An instrument consisting of a stick about 3 feet long , that its end has one or more metal hooks and is used to capture crustaceans or dock boats , rescue tool , consisting of a fiber post 3 m long, which at its end has a metal tool tip

9. Fathom : A measure of length used by sailors to measure the depth and equivalent to 1.6718 m

10. Pitch : The pitch is a residue from the pyrolysis of organic material or tar distillation . Is solid at room temperature and is comprised of a complex mixture of many hydrocarbons

11. Burnishing : Polishing or rubbing a surface, especially metal or stone, to shine .

12. Carapace: Carapace of a turtle , crab and other animals.

13 . Cockpit: hardware or structural reinforcement in the supporting mast wick .

14 . Cirrus : White clouds in the form of filaments or very narrow stripes in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

15 . Convulsed : Who's excited by irritation or anger

16 . Gather : Gather a group of people who generally have some trait in common, as do the same job , have the same tastes , etc.

17 . Skinning : Remove the skin, or any part thereof , to a person or animal

18 . Gorge : Gorge is called a narrow, elongated opening formed by fluvial erosion in ancient karst or limestone soils generally and who then leave the water reaches the channel , leaving it dry

19 . Lanky : Refers to a person or their gait or do something , without panache , grace or elegance ; Referred to people , but with poor high proportion and clumsy movement

20 . Distended : Make it less tense or strained a relationship or something else

21 . Escota : Cables used for tying sails through the clew , the sticks , blades or booms .

22 . Estopa : coarse thick strands of plant fiber , particularly hemp, which separate the card ; Fabric made ​​of them; Fibres rigging old disused , used impregnated with resin or pitch for caulking .

23 . Rapier : The weapon , rather long , blunt and a sharp point , which was used especially


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