Enviado por brunogarza • 7 de Octubre de 2015 • Documentos de Investigación • 1.014 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 172 Visitas
[pic 1]Universidad Autónoma[pic 2]
de Nuevo León
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe
Teacher: Alejandro Cruz
Metacognition Activity
Construct an aquarium
Gpo #116 Team #5
Luis Diego Martinez Delgado
| 1802875
Bruno Daniel Garza Hernandez | 1814866
Andrés Tamez Beltrán | 1811558 |
Jesús Sebastián González Ochoa | 1818744 |
Marcelo Alejandro De la Paz Martinez | 1810406 |
September, 10, 2015
Construct an aquarium
List of Biotic Factors
-Larger Fish
-Crustaceans/Sea Stars
List of Abiotic Factors
-Heat and Coldness of the water
List the steps to build an aquarium.
1.- We need to get a shoebox of a black color.
2.- Make sure that it is completely black if it is not then you can paint it
3.- Cut the box cover.
4.- After you cut the box cover of the shoebox you need to paint the bottom of a blue color.
5.- Wait until it is bone-dry.
6.- Now you can paste an image of the sea.
7.- Very carefully put the animals as a cycle first the producer, etc etc….
8.- If nothing fall down then you can say that you just build an aquarium
What was the most difficult thing in building the aquarium?