Resumen Del Templo Mayor En Ingles
Enviado por Alepris • 19 de Noviembre de 2013 • 571 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 566 Visitas
Museum of the Greater temple.
The word Tenochtitlán, derives of the words tetl (stone) and nochtli (tuna).
In this isleta built his capital, Tenochtitlán.
Here in what now it is a museum, finds all the related with the culture mexica that remained sepultada under the buildings virreinales.
The history begins from the peregrinación initiated by the mexicas in Aztlán until his arrival to the lake of Texcoco.
The museum shows in his eight rooms the genealogies and roles of the gods, to the time that expose the objects used in his rites and sacrifices. Ofrendas, tribute, pieces of trueque, like masks, shells, jewels of gold and Silver, speak us of the cultural exchange, mobility and scope of the mexicas.
The cosmovisions linked with the gods that went here buried —like Coatlicue; Huitzilopochtli, god of the war; Coyolxauhqui Silver, speak us of the cultural exchange, mobility and scope of the mexicas.
The cosmovisions linked with the gods that went here buried —like Coatlicue; Huitzilopochtli, god of the war; Coyolxauhqui Goddess of the Moon; Mayahuel, goddess of the pulque, or Tláloc, god of the agricultural fertility— they drive to a world that promises, thanks to the archaeologists, expand even more with recent discoveries, as the one of the goddess Tlaltecuhtli (That it surpasses in size to the Aztec Calendar), the rests of painting mural in the Red Temple or the procession of warriors in the House of the Eagles.
The greater temple was settled on a pyramidal platform of four bodies, with two escalinatas to the poniente that drove Top, where found two adoratorios,
The one of the north, devoted to Tlaloc, god of the rain, the water and the fertility and the one of the south to Huitzilopochtli god of the war and of the sun, deity tutelar of the mexicas.
The greater temple was object of seven reedificaciones and eleven extensions, and was
Concluded before the arrival of the Spaniards.
Well In my opinion does me a very interesting place because it learns a lot and give us account of our roots of all what did ours Ancestors to leave marks of these times so that in these times can give us account of all his sacrifices and fights.
In the greater temple can see the historical ruins from stones that have distinct images recorded and sculptures like the same temple the stone of sacrifices (chac-mool), The snake of the temple this was a holy animal for the mexicas represents him in distinct forms there are elementary heads and esculpidas, there are snakes of cascabel, there are two snakes of 6 metres of long, also this the altar of the frogs, the stone of the sun, chewed, portaestandarte, skulls, where played ball, the house of the Águil
But there are two things that liked me or call me the attention a lot, one of them, was the of the wars and