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Enviado por   •  19 de Febrero de 2014  •  625 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  243 Visitas

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Black Slave trade

I was coming back from the river with my bucket of water that I had to fill every morning and walk 5 miles to go get water from the river and 5 miles back to my house so my family had something to drink. When I came back I saw that people like us were visiting my village but different… they were white.

As I got closer I heard that they where telling the men in my village to get on there floating houses and go work for them, and when they came back they had enough money and resources that they would see their village grow and flourish like they never imagined. They told the men “ we will come back tomorrow to get the people who want to come work for us”.

Later that night I talked with my husband about the job, I didn’t want him to go because who would finish building the house and milk the cows or feed the horses and most of all I would miss him. He answered “ with all the money and food they will give us we won’t need this house any more we can start a better life next to the river so you don’t have to walk 10 miles every day to go get water “ after I heard that I came to my censes and told him he could go so we could start over and have a better life.

The next day the white people came back and took all the men that where willing to go. As my husband was leaving I wove good-bye and wished him a good trip. When all the men got on the floating house it started moving and slowly grabbing the wind with its massive sails until you could no longer see the boat. I walked back to my house and sat on a chair wile I watched my children play.

The next day I woke up by really loud explosions and people screaming so I quickly got up and grabbed my kids and rushed out the door but as I was going out the door this white man pointed a metal stick at me and grabbed my two kids and killed them rite in front of my eyes then he grabbed me by the neck as I cried for my two lost children and dragged me in to a cage with wheels that had more of my people inside. The door closed and the cage started to move until it stopped in front of the floating house where they opened the door and started grabbing us by the hair to get us off. When we got off the moving cage turned around and went back to the village. The other white people that where there started putting metal things on our feet and wrists.

we started walking inside the floating house until they put us in a cage like animals closed the door and left .

they left us un there for weeks, they would pass once a day to give us a plate of water and a sup bowl for each cage that had at least 30 people. The first week I would only drink water and eat a little sip of sup if I was luck, the second week people started not waking up and the white people would come in and throw them over the floating house, the third week we finally got to our destination. When we started going


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