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A Morbid Taste For Bones -book Report-

Enviado por   •  13 de Diciembre de 2014  •  479 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  488 Visitas

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A morbid taste for bones -book report-

1. How long did you take to read the book?

I’ve been reading the book for three afternoons. In total, maybe 7 or 8 hours.

2. Did you find it easy to read and understand or too difficult for your level?

I could read the most of the phrases easily. The problem was when the key word of the phrase was an unknown word. Also, I had problems with the complex tenses because in this kind of books are important to know perfectly when happen all the events and in what order.

3. How often did you use the dictionary?

Quite often, because of the book occurs in the past and some jobs or objects are from the Middle Ages. Also, I didn’t want to miss any detail of the story as could be important.

4. What’s the plot of the book? You can start with: This book is about…/tells the sory of…/explains…/shows how…/deals with…/narrates...

5. Who are the main characters in the book? What is their relationship?

Brother Cadfael is the main character and the detective of the story.

The most relevant Brothers in the story are: Brother John, Brother Columbanus (Both of them work with Cadfael in the gardens of the Abbey), Prior Robert (The second head of the Abbey), Brother Jerome (the most important follower of Prior Robert), Brother Richard (the Sub-Prior) and Abbot Heribert (The head of the Abbey).

The most relevant characters in Gwytherin are: Saint Winifred (whose holy bones lie buried in Gwitherin), Rhisiart (The main land-owner in Gwytherin, and the character who dies), Sioned (Rhisiart’s daughter and the secret lover of Engelard), Peredur (the son of the Rishiart’s neighbour, he is falling in love with Sioned), Annest (the niece of the blacksmith Bened and the friend and maid of Sioned), Engelard (The Rishiart’s ox-caller and the secret lover of Sioned) and Father Huw (the priest in Gwytherin and the connector between the Brothers and the people of the town).

*In bold type the most important characters of the story.

6. Who is your favourite character? And the one you disliked the most? Why?

Of course, the perfect character in the story is Cadfael, but my favourite character is Brother John. A sensible, kind and optimistic man who makes a mistake when he adopted the monk’s way of life. When he arrives to Gwytherin and meet Annest he realizes that there found his perfect life. He always tries to do the right thing and take care of people who loves. He hasn’t a very important role in the main story, but I think that their story with Annest and the people of Gwytherin is a very good parallel story.

7. Do you think the title is suitable? Why? Suggest another title and justify your choice.

I think that


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