Enviado por keilaalvarez123 • 26 de Septiembre de 2018 • Ensayo • 405 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 148 Visitas
There are moments in life that we want to end soon. I am a 16 year old boy with problems like everybody else, my parents divorced because my father had a relationship with Aunt Veena, it was terrible for my mother and me, so, my history begins here.
The situation in my home was tense because my mother overprotected me and she wanted to be my dad and my mom at the same time, so, I spent more time with my friends from school, besides, her attitude made me make bad decisions. Time slipped and all the people already knew the situation of my family, it was at that moment that I thought my friends betrayed me so I just trust Raj, the most faithful dog, besides, Aunt Sween was a great support in all my problems. I met more "friends" at school, and I say friends but at this moment the word "friends" is meant of "bad influences" since Ka Ting the person who encouraged me to go to parties, Jessica, the girl who consumed pills and with whom I fell in love, They did that my life changed because my mother already was not my priority, now I go to parties without her authorization.
On the other hand, Jessica's parents were claiming that she was to Australia so she and I decided to plan everything to escape to Thailand. The night before the trip, there was a party at Ka Ting's house. Something unexpected happened. Jessica overdosed on pills and almost died at the bottom of the pool, so I called the ambulance and immediately the police arrived, in a second I was already in prison, but of not being for the aunt Sween, at this moment I would still be in the hands of the police.
I thought that everything had ended, but the worst news was missing, thanks to my behavior, the separation of my parents and the farewell of my mother in her work, I was in a hospital, everything happens and the best times come, it was my birthday and my most beloved gift was to see her at home with Aunt Sween and my new pet.
Now, I’m a 17 year old with experiences to tell, I learned that we must forgive and to be forgiven like my father, I know that love is real, but the most important thing is that I know that my family loves me.